Category: Digital Transformation
You Ask, I Answer: Advice for Print Companies in the Digital Age?
In today’s episode, I look at how print and direct mail can capture attention in our increasingly digital world. As inboxes overflow with emails and DMs, tangible mail stands out as something scarce. Well-designed, highly targeted print publications connect with audiences in a tangible, memorable way. Join me as I explore the unique value print…
IBM THINK 2019 Day 2 Recap: The Next Frontier
In this video, learn 5 key takeaways from day 2 of IBM THINK 2019 on the topics of finding more AI/ML talent, the use of personas in an AI work, digital transformation and its relationship to AI, finding new opportunities for innovation, and perhaps the meaning of life itself with quantum computing. Can’t see anything?…
You Ask, I Answer: Insider Secrets for Marketing?
Vincent asks, “What’s the one insider secret for marketing you’d never put in a tweet or a YouTube video, the kind of secret sauce that you withhold for everyone but your best clients?” If the work I do with Trust Insights were cooking, I give away the utensils and the ingredients. Customers pay for the…
You Ask, I Answer: How To Make Use of Historical Data and Analytics
Jim asks, “My organization has years of data stored up. What can we do with it?” Fundamentally, you can take two approaches to your data – making it work for your organization, and then making it work for other organizations. Learn these two approaches and the hierarchy of analytics in this video. Can’t see anything?…
You Ask, I Answer: Corporate Culture and Digital Transformation
Aaron asks, “How do you think culture fits into the people / process / technology framework?” People / process / platform, a derivative of HJ Leavitt’s 1964 Diamond of Change Management, is itself a subset of culture. In this video, learn Dr. Rick Robinson’s AEIOU framework of ethnographic measurement, and learn how corporate values layer…