You Ask, I Answer: Sales Roles Impacted by ChatGPT?

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You Ask, I Answer: Sales Roles Impacted by ChatGPT?

Manuel asks, “Hey Christopher, how do you think sales-roles will be affected by GPT models, especially after they are trained on lead gen and sales data?”

In this episode, I answer a question about how GPT models will affect sales roles, particularly after they are trained on lead generation and sales data. Large language models have some usefulness in any place in the sales process that uses language. The question is, which places are the ones that will have the biggest impact? One is administrative, where a large language model can interface in a sales CRM and update it using a voice interface. This will save salespeople a lot of time and make sales managers happy that they can get their people to update the CRM. Crafting content to sales prospects is another area where language models can be useful, particularly in finding language patterns and distributions that work best. Personality analysis is also essential, where a large language model can interpret language and see where people are, which is critical in the sales process. The short answer is that wherever language is used in the sales process, particularly in areas where salespeople have trouble, language models can help patch those areas faster and improve their baseline skills. There’s a tremendous benefit to be had in using these models, and sales teams can use their data to guide the use of these models and even customize them to their specific sales process.

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You Ask, I Answer: Sales Roles Impacted by ChatGPT?

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Christopher Penn 0:00

In today’s episode, Manuel asks, hey Christopher, how do you think sales roles will be affected by GPT? Models, especially after they are trained on lead generation and sales data? This is a good question.

This is a on the surface an easy question to answer.

Any place you use language, a large language model is going to have some usefulness any place in the sales process or the sales role that use language.

So where do you use language in sales? Pretty much everywhere, right? There’s emails, there’s pitches, there’s pitch decks, there’s sales collateral, the sales enablement tools, there’s putting notes in your CRM, there’s speaking the people on the phone, any place that use language is a place where a large language model can have some impact.

Now the question is, which places are the ones that you’re gonna get the biggest bang for your buck.

And there’s really a few different spots.

One is administrative.

I’m guilty of this.

I don’t like updating the sales CRM, my I, I do it because I have to.

But when I worked in sales, it was my least favorite part of the job administratively just boring to just go in and click on stuff, having a large language model interface in a sales CRM and just be able to say, hey, update this account, update AI said the deal size to $50,000.

Next, check in will be two weeks from now.

They’re not ready to buy yet.

And then having the model interpret that and then update the CRM.

Huge, that’d be huge.

Some companies, Salesforce and Hubspot, they’re already doing integrations similar to that now they’re all very in alpha, right? They’re not ready for primetime yet, but they’re going that way.

Just that alone, is would be enough to to dramatically change the role of sales, tying it to a voice interface.

That would be a game changer, that would be a substantial competitive advantage for the to the first CRM that can do that.

Because if you’re gonna open up a memo on your phone and say, Oh, hey, I just met with Bob at Trust Insights.

And, yeah, it looks like they’re going to do they want to do something, but probably not till next quarter, and then have the model interpret that and update the CRM, that salesperson, you know, that could be driving from from appointment to appointment, they could be on the phone, they could be working from home, but boy, they could save a lot of time, a lot of time, by having natural language interfaces to their software, and sales managers would be like, this is fantastic, I can actually get my people to update the CRM now.


So that’s a big one.

The crafting of content to sales prospects, that’s again, a pretty easy one, particularly if there are there are language patterns and distributions that you understand, work and don’t work, right.

One of the things that people have tried for years and relatively little success, is to understand if certain language works better in in the sales process than others, right, we have a star salesperson is does the language they use matter? And could other people use that language and get some success out of it.

And up until now, the tools didn’t really exist for you to be able to do that kind of large scale analysis, but now they do.

And so you might be able to come up with a writing style that resonates with people.

One thing that I think it’d be particularly interesting to see is people creating language model interfaces that can interpret someone else’s writing style and help you write similar to them, because we all love hearing ourselves, right? I mean, yes, there are exceptions.

But generally speaking, we feel more comfortable with people who sound like us, right? Who think like us, that’s just human nature.

And so if a tool can take an email from a one kind of personality and transmute it to another personality type, it might be better received, particularly in early communications.

That might be a way to approach it.

You could also do the personality analysis directly on the prospect as you get communications from them, feed it to a large language model and say, Hey, analyze this person’s personality.

Tell me about their extraversion.

Tell me about their openness, and so on and so forth.

And that personality analysis might be useful to you as a salesperson to say, Okay, here’s how maybe I want to approach this person.

Maybe I don’t want to go in all guns blazing, say, hey, if I got a deal for you, when that person from personality perspective, might not resonate with that, you might solve something more tentative, like so tell me what’s going on.

What are what are the things that are frustrating you right now, right? There are some people who resonate with that first pitch.

There are some people who will resonate with that second pitch other people like You don’t my therapists just sell me the things I can get on with my day.

So having large language models that can interpret language and see where people are, is going to be critical.

All of this stuff is based on language.

It’s on how we use language.

So the short answer to Manuel’s question really is wherever it is used language in the sales process, particularly if there are spots that you personally have trouble, that you’re not as strong in the sales process.

That’s where language models will help.

And I think it will help salespeople who are deficient in some areas, patch those areas faster, and get up to speed faster, so that they’re their baseline skills are improved.

And I think that’s there’s a tremendous benefit to be had there.

But yeah, the the data that sales teams have, can be used to really guide the use of these models, and even customize them, you can customize them to your specific sales process, maybe even your personal selling method.

So something to keep an eye on as as time goes on.

Thanks for the question.

Talk to you next time.

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


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