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You Ask, I Answer_ Duplicate Social Media Content

Jen asks, “We’re a business that likes to share/reshare evergreen content. Social networks are now saying that we can’t publish duplicate posts. Is there a legitimate way around this?”

Great question. The intent of social networks prohibiting duplicate posts is to cut down on spambots that flood the network with junk, as well as trollbots intending to create artificial waves of support to defeat algorithms – like election tampering. I recommend four approaches to solving this problem that obey the rules while still allowing you to use evergreen content.

  • Encode unique data in each update – like the date of the update, or the engagement the content has received so far. I use clicks; you can use pageviews from Google Analytics, etc. – just has to be dynamically generated at the time of posting.
  • Increase the amount of curation of unique content so that you’re sharing unique content much more frequently. Don’t be the brand that lazily repeats the same 5 updates over and over again.
  • Use a dynamic URL shortener that encodes a different URL on each publication. I use bitly.
  • Have a real human working the account to handle engagement daily. Make sure the account isn’t only automated stuff – automation is intended to provide a framework, not be the entire account. That person should be engaging with people.

You Ask, I Answer: Duplicate Social Media Content

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Machine-Generated Transcript

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In today’s episode, Jen asks, we’re a business that likes to share. And we share evergreen content across multiple accounts for our executives, social networks are now saying that we can’t publish duplicate posts, either on the same account or on other accounts. Is there a legitimate way around this? It’s a great question. Because the intent of what social networks are doing with the prohibition against duplicate content is to cut down on two types of bots, spam bots that are just going to publish garbage at scale

and troll bots,

which were used to create artificial perceptions of popularity

for things like election tampering.

And so a corporation trying to provide some level of automation for

its accounting for its its key executives, it was not the intended target of these rules, intended target was to prohibit and reduce people from behaving badly on the network. So

there are four ways the four things you should be doing to

to solve this problem, while obeying the rules and still allowing you to use evergreen content.

So the first thing is,

when you’re putting together social posts, you need to have software that will encode unique data in each in each update. That can be something as simple as having the date of the that you’re putting the post in so that there’s a unique string and each one, it can be something as simple as engagement. Like I use the Bitly API in my updates to show how many clicks that an article has gotten. Because every time you go back and publish an article, again, presumably, hopefully, it’s gotten more clicks, the last segment published, you can use page views and Google Analytics if its content that you own. So you can show how many how many views as this, this article received a year to date, or whatever, whatever it is, it just has to be a piece of dynamic data that goes in the update that shows that changes all the time. So that’s number one, all of these techniques, you should do all of them together, if possible number to increase the amount of curation that you do on the account of unique content, so that you’re sharing unique content much more frequently,

one of the things that these algorithms are looking for is how much repetition is there how much obviously, that’s going to really easily trigger an algorithm, if you just keep posting, I’ve seen some corporations posting like the same five updates over and over again, of course, that’s going to trigger an algorithm. If a human can spot the automation, then for sure, and algorithm and spot the automation. So be sharing lots of valuable relevant, timely, targeted,

curated content that is unique to each account. So for example, if your CFO is on what an account, you may want to have that account be sharing blogs, about corporate finance, if your cmo has a separate account, you want to have that blog, we share that that that kind of sharing blogs about marketing

so that

they’re sharing things that are relevant to their domain of expertise. And then when you’re sharing your corporate content, it’s in the mix. It’s not just, you know, there’s just one post shared across 20 accounts. And that’s the only posts that those accounts do that day. So lots of lots of extra unique curation. The third thing is you want to use a dynamic URL shortener that encodes a different URL each time your software wants to put together your saw your social media updates, again, I use Bitly, because every time you send the URL to the Bitly API, it spits back a new unique URL. So again, we’re we’re encoding that social posts be even more unique every single time you go to put it together.

And the fourth and by far, the most important thing

is you need to have a real human working on the account, to handle engagement, to handle outreach to handle the things that a real human being what actually do on their personal social media account, replying to people liking things,

posting the occasional photo of you know where that wherever it is, that they are,

you know, taking a picture of their, their plate of food

every once in a while, those are the things that real people do. And again, remember that all of these spam detection

algorithms, all of these, any kind of algorithm is looking for patterns and indicators that fit a certain profile, if you have an account that just robotically publishes stuff, and nothing else, there’s never a behavior change, that’s pretty easy to detect. That’s, that’s a machine run account, if you have the natural randomness that comes with human beings

that will show those algorithms know

this is a real person that runs this academy as the sharing stuff to be to follow industry best practices, but his various clearly still a human, okay, here’s a picture of the dog

social media automation was never intended to be the only thing that an accountant does. And if your social media strategy is such that you are only sharing automated stuff, and nothing else,

then you probably are going to get

flagged by it. And algorithm at some point. And also your is what you’re doing, actually all that valuable.

So remember that social media automation is supposed to be the framework, right? It’s the stuff that is the, the bare minimum that an account does, and then you layer that human aspect on top of it. So that instead of, maybe you have a busy day, or you have a travel or something like that, and you can’t be posting regularly, that’s when the automation fills in those gaps, to keep your account active, and to keep providing value to the people who follow you,

you still have to provide that extra human value on top. So engagement is the is the fourth component. And

the first three are things that your automation software may or may not do.

I know that for myself, I had to write my own software for to put together a lot of the content because there wasn’t anything that was doing it. But that was a couple years ago. And now obviously the the spaces continuing to evolve and grow and stuff. So

again, unique data, each update unique URL and each update unique content that’s been curated at a much greater volume and most importantly, have those human signals on the account to keep the account looking like a humans actually running it. That is the way to continue to be able to reuse evergreen content, not have someone babysitting every single account all the time and still obey the rules and still stay within the guidelines that the various social networks have put out about duplicate social media content. As always, if you have comments or questions about this sort of thing, please leave them below. Otherwise, please subscribe to the YouTube channel and the newsletter will talk to you soon.

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


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