Category: Politics

  • Soapbox: Hate, revealed

    “At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge.” – Darth Maul If there is a silver lining to the river of hate flowing through our politics and our media right now, it is this: we no longer need to guess who our allies and enemies are. We no…

  • Stop SOPA

    Click here if the video doesn’t show up. What you can do about it.

  • A baseball parable about politics

    Once upon a time, there were two baseball teams, the Red Sox and the Yankees. Each team did its thing, and the owners made money, the players made money, the advertisers made money in the stadiums and on the televisions, and all was more or less well. Fans got to root for their teams and…

  • Not another dime: a protest that works

    Please consider the following: Local Governments, Churches, Community Groups, Prominent Business Men And Others Are All Divesting From Big, Corrupt Banks Bank customers flee to credit unions Massive pile of news results about closing bank accounts This, ladies and gentlemen, is the protest that works. This is the protest that actually wakes up the powers…

  • My visit to Occupy Boston

    Yesterday, I paid a visit firsthand to Occupy Boston, the local branch of the Occupy Wall Street movement. I’ve been writing and talking about economics and politics for a while and about the Occupy movement, so I figured it was time to do some primary, field research and go there myself. So what did I…

  • Celebrating America: Amendments to the Constitution

    In celebration of America’s independence, I thought I’d publish 3 posts about the most important document that most Americans haven’t laid eyes on in years, if not decades: the Constitution of the United States of America. Despite being freely and widely available, not many people have read it recently, if at all, yet it sets…

  • Celebrating America: The Bill of Rights

    In celebration of America’s independence, I thought I’d publish 3 posts about the most important document that most Americans haven’t laid eyes on in years, if not decades: the Constitution of the United States of America. Despite being freely and widely available, not many people have read it recently, if at all, yet it sets…

  • Celebrating America: The Constitution

    In celebration of America’s independence, I thought I’d publish 3 posts about the most important document that most Americans haven’t laid eyes on in years, if not decades: the Constitution of the United States of America. Despite being freely and widely available, not many people have read it recently, if at all, yet it sets…

  • Taking action that matters

    For those who enjoy but occasionally miss tempests in teapots, Kenneth Cole tweeted this out yesterday: The reaction was swift and merciless inside the social media fishbowl: So how much of a difference did a massive amount of outrage make to the people who are responsible for running Kenneth Cole? None. How do we know…

  • What’s your opinion of Sarah Palin?

    My martial arts teacher played an interesting trick on us in class on Saturday morning to illustrate the powers of distraction and diversion. Right in the middle of a lesson, he highlighted – briefly – some relatively recent news story about Sarah Palin. The effect was as predictable as it was powerful: a number of…

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