Mind Readings: AI Shortens The Distance from Idea to Reality

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Mind Readings: AI Shortens The Distance from Idea to Reality

In this video, I discuss the bigger picture purpose of artificial intelligence. While AI can perform tactical use cases like writing and regression analysis, its primary role is to make us faster and better human beings by shortening the distance from idea to reality. Machines can generate mediocre ideas that serve as a starting point for our creativity, and as we refine those ideas, we become better at bringing our thoughts to life. AI is not just about making drudgery go away, but also about freeing us up to bring our ideas to life in ways that were previously impossible. Join me as I explore the exciting possibilities of AI and how it can help us unleash our creativity like never before. Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button if you enjoy this video!

Mind Readings: AI Shortens The Distance from Idea to Reality

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In today’s episode, let’s talk about sort of the bigger picture purpose of what artificial intelligence is supposed to be doing.

Yes, it can take on tasks and do repetitive stuff, in some cases better than, than the average person.

It can write, it can draw, it can do regression analysis and tell you what’s working in your data.

All these things that these tactical use cases are really important, because they help people understand what the tools are capable of.

But the bigger picture that I want to share with you is the idea from the artificial intelligence is really about making us faster and better human beings.

AI shortens the distance from idea to implementation from idea to reality.

And it shortens that distance by providing capabilities that either we already have.

And it’s more efficient, or by providing capabilities we don’t have, and allowing us to create things that are, we’re out of our reach, right? We’re out of our capabilities.

For example, I’m a okay writer, and I do a lot of writing.

And sometimes I have the experience of just sitting there staring at the blank page going.

I don’t know what to write today.

Right? I might have an idea.

But I don’t have anything concrete for my brain to latch on to.

I’m like, you’re like, Ah, I need to write something about attribution analysis.

But I don’t know what to write.

So I might say, Hey, GPT-4, write an outline for a blog post about attribution analysis within B2B marketing, and it’ll spit something out.

And that might be enough for me to go, oh, no, that’s not that’s not what I would write.

But it tricks my brain into going.

Okay, now we can we have something there’s a point to latch on to very often creativity is like crystallization, right? When you make crystals.

Or if you’ve done, you’ve probably done this, if you’re a parent, you’ve done this at some point with your kids.

crystallization happens faster and easier when there’s something for crystals to to nucleate on, right to start on, you put a string in the water and maybe dust it with a little bit of powdered sugar and crystals grow on it much faster than waiting for them to do it.

By trying to find a random nucleation site within the sugar solution.

When you have a machine generate something, even if it’s mediocre, that’s a hook for your mind to catch on to go, Ah, here’s this outline that the machine has written.

And it’s not great.

But it gets you thinking.

It gets you debating with yourself, it prompts you as much as we prompt engineer these prompts for artificial intelligence.

It’s prompting us in return to go.

No, that’s not how I would have done that.

Let me show you how I would have gotten that.


And in cases where you don’t have skill, right, maybe you’re not a great writer, you can cobble together a general idea and then have a machine, spit out the rest.

And then you can give feedback, you say no, I didn’t want it like that, or no, that’s not what I was thinking about.

And particularly in the chat style interfaces, the machines will keep trying and provide you revisions.

When you look at art, like I’m not a particularly good artist, just not I can draw a little bit, I can paint a very little bit, most of the time to be charitable, it’s borderline incompetent.

But I have the ideas of what I would like to do.

And the ideas are decent ideas, they would make me happy if I could bring them to life.

Well, now with machinery I can do that I can bring it to life in a way that’s maybe 80% of what I had in mind.

If it’s something for my own enjoyment, that 80% might be good enough, right? Or it might be a good starting point.

I can hand it off to a real professional artists and say, Hey, this is what I had in mind.

And they could see it and go, Oh, yeah, I get where you’re going with this.

That’s, you know, that’s what the machines spit out.

It’s kind of pedestrian, but it’s it’s certainly a good starting point.

Right? So AI shortens the distance from idea to reality.

This past week, I was looking at what was coming out with the Unreal Engine.

This is a video game development engine and unreal 5.2, which I’m sure you know, if you watch this recording in a year’s time, you’ll be like, Oh, that was ancient news.

But as of today, it’s the latest and greatest and it creates these amazing, amazing cinematic environments for video game designers.

And I look at those and go wow, you could film a movie in here.

Right? And it turns out there actually there’s a movie called flight that is done almost just entirely within the Unreal Engine except for the human actors.

When you look at the sets that have been computer generated, you go, wow, this is so cool that you could create these virtual worlds that look real, it looks so real, and have actors performing their their lines and stuff within this environment that could dramatically shorten the time and the cost it takes to bring, say, a scripted drama to life, right? The scenery is nice, but the scenery is something you can generate and allow the actors and put your money into, you know, hiring better actors or having better post production or visual effects.

Whatever the case is, you could do cinematic quality productions for less money.

So if you don’t have to spend 100 million on a movie, you could spend10 million and still get the same quality, it shortens the distance from idea to reality.

If you’re an independent filmmaker, and you can’t afford to fly, you and your team to New York City and London and the Grand Canyon for these, these, you know shots that you have in mind, if you can render them in the Unreal Engine, which is a machine learning tool, among other things.

And you can film the rest of the stuff on green screen, guess what you can create a very compelling looking cinematic production on a shoestring budget by comparison, as long as you have the technical skills to operate the software.

So that’s the big picture for AI as of where it is right now, it is about shortening the distance from idea to reality.

If you’ve got an idea, there is now at least one if not more than one tools on the market that are probably low cost because everything is right now is sort of the Wild West and people are trying to just acquire customers by any means.

You can create that idea and bring it to life faster than you’ve ever been able to do that before.

So think about that as the big picture role of artificial intelligence not just to make meaningless drudgery go away, although that certainly is a big part of it.

But to also free you up and open you up, to bring your ideas to life in ways that you could not previously and if we do that well, and we do that thoughtfully.

It dramatically increases our own creativity, and it increases the satisfaction we get from seeing our ideas brought to life.

Thanks for tuning in.

Talk to you soon.

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


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