You Ask, I Answer: Tracking Google Ads Performance to Amazon?

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You Ask, I Answer: Tracking Google Ads Performance to Amazon

Clarissa asks, “Question: I publish a book and set up a series of ads using Google Ad Words and the link goes to the Amazon Page. How do I set up tight tracking for the success of the ads, where success = book sales?”

This is a challenging situation because Amazon gives you very limited analytics. There are a few ways you can handle this kind of tracking. You will need the assistance of a programmer to do this – it’s not something that’s possible with off the shelf tools. Watch the video for full details.

  • Build a model of clicks to sales – what percentage of clicks turn into sales?
  • Set up a value per click and make that click a goal in GA
  • Set up a script that redirects users to Amazon after counting the click and sending it to GA via the Measurement Protocol
  • Send the conversion / ad conversion data back to Google Ads through Measurement Protocol and postbacks
  • Set up to validate clicks
  • Set up Amazon Associates to track clicks

You Ask, I Answer: Tracking Google Ads Performance to Amazon?

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Machine-Generated Transcript

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In today’s episode, Clarissa asks question, I publish a book and set up a series of ads using Google AdWords and the link goes to the Amazon page. How do I set up tight tracking for the success of the ads or success equals book sales? Oh, this is a challenging situation for a couple reasons. One, you don’t own and therefore you can’t put tracking links on Amazon itself. And Amazon gives you as a as an author gives you very limited analytics, right? If you’re in the Katie portal, which is where I assume you are Kindle Direct Publishing,

you’re going to get roll up numbers, not great granular numbers. So how do you track a situation like this? Well, the answer is going to be a series of technology pieces that will help you

value, what a click is worth, essentially. So the first thing you need to do is build a model of clicks to sell. So you’ll need to put together a spreadsheet of how many clicks, and then how many sales. And you’ll use the Katie p data for that for a lot of that information. Now, the second thing is going to be in your Google Analytics account, you’re going to set up a value per click and make that click a goal. So you’ll set up in in your goals, your clicks to Amazon as a goal, we’re going to pencil in a value per click. Now you can do that based on the spreadsheet data you’ve already put together. If you’ve got if your books, for example, our costs, say 1. And it takes hundred clicks to sell one book that obviously a click is worth a penny, right? That goes into Google Analytics as a as a value for your goal completion.

Now that’s

the easiest part. Here’s where it gets messy. You’re going to need

the help of a programmer to create a script that lives on your website. And what that script is going to do is it’s going to redirect users from the link on your website like Christopher s, slash book, write that script, or redirect users to your Amazon page.

You will use that script in all of your Google AdWords ads. So all your ads will be you know, Christopher S Pen, comm slash book.

And it will send people to the Amazon page. But in that script, and this is what your program is going to have to help with. In that script. There is a way to send, essentially click data directly into Google Analytics without loading a web page. It’s something called the Google measurement protocol. And it is a very powerful system that Google Analytics has that allows you to to directly interact with Google Analytics with its API and poor data straight into it again without seeing a web page. So the script


intercept it will take that click that you get from your ads, it will send it to Google Analytics. And by the way, if you’re using

in that script, you’re going to specify all the UTM tracking tags, you know, you source medium campaign, all those things, that’s going to go into Google Analytics as well.

And then it will bounce the user to Amazon. Now my suggestion would be to actually have the script. This is going to get convoluted, but had bounced a Bitly. To have it bounced to Amazon. And the reason for that is you want

essentially three layers of tracking you want the your Google Analytics, click tracking Bitly click tracking, and then Amazon click tracking and here’s yet another layer of abstraction. You will want to look at setting up an Amazon Associates account which is their affiliate program, which will allow you to create a trackable link to that to your books page. And by the way, it will give you like an extra 1% Commission on a new book sales. It’s a good way for authors to make

tiny amount of incremental money because like if somebody is on Amazon and they buy your book, and then they go and buy a frying pan at the same time you get you get credit for the frying pan purchase and you get like an extra one to 4% on the purchase the frying pan as well.

So we now have a script that is essentially four layers deep. What it will do is to click comes in and tells Google Analytics Hey, his conversion happened. This click event happens send it to the Google measurement protocol. It will then send bills then say okay now user automatically go to Billy Billy will go to your Amazon Associates Link. And the Amazon Associates will finally send it to your book page.

This will help you establish the value of

that that those users that you send which can help in some ways. inflate your book price value a little bit because if people only buy your book cool, we like that. And Katie p will

will give you that, but associates will give you very granular hour by hour tracking of exactly what people bought. So you can get much better, more granular data for building that, you know, what is the value of a click model. So

to sum up, you need to build the model first, what percentage of clicks terms of sales and by the way, you’re going to revisit that going to return that. You’ll then set up the value per click and make that clear goal and Google Analytics. They’ll set up the script with programmers help to do that for way we direct and the more requiring associates count a Bitly account a Google Analytics captain, of course, your Amazon account, your Amazon book page, and then you’ll be able to track this once it’s all done, you’ll track it inside of Google Analytics, you’ll be able to see as a goal number of clicks sent to Amazon and the estimated value. And that will be a proxy for the book sales themselves. The reason you would do this crazy convoluted thing is that you can also in when you interact with Google Analytics, the Google Analytics measurement protocol

You can signal AdWords conversion data with what’s called post back. And again, this is something that your programmer is going to have to this is not something that you can do is use while you can do does use if you learn how to program.

But you’d want to send you that post back or that add conversion data back through the measurement protocol, tell AdWords Hey, conversion happens this ad is working.

Once the script is built, you could actually set up multiple versions of it for different types of ads if you wanted to build a track the performance of different kinds of ads like search ads versus display, ads vs. Video, YouTube video ads, the hard part really building that script the first time around. So

it’s probably not the easy answer you’re looking for. But it is most definitely the best way to get the correct data. And to turn that data into something that’s actionable and usable. Because by using that script, you’ll be able to track the different performance of all your ads show up in Google Analytics as value

And show the economic value. So again, if you if 1% of your clicks turn into book sales in your books worth1, then click is worth a penny. And if you drive 1000 clicks, guess what, you know, you’ve made $10 based on the likely performance of this ads, revisit that formula every I Gosh, depends on how important it is to you. If you’re if the book is incidental, meaning you just wrote the book and it’s out there, you may revisit that formula and adjust those numbers every 30 days or so. If being an author is your lifeline is your life hood, then you probably want to do it maybe every week even really analyze the data. So good question, challenging question. There are technological answers to do it. You will just need the help of a programmer to pull it off. As always, if you have additional questions, put them in the comments. Please subscribe to the YouTube channel. The newsletter I’ll talk to you soon. want help solving your company’s data analysts

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


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