#WinWithAI: How To Leverage The Value of Data

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#WinWithAI_ How To Leverage The Value of Data

Melissa asks, “How can companies leverage data — their most valuable asset — as a competitive advantage?”

As part of the IBM #WinWithAI Summit, this is a critical question. What are the uses of data?

  • Data as the end product, for analytics and insights
  • Data as the source for training machine learning models
  • Data as a commodity to be packaged, shared, and sold
  • Data analysis as a commodity
  • Data insights as a commodity
  • Machine learning models as a commodity

Watch the video for full details.

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Win With AI: Improving Data Asset Value

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FTC Disclosure: I am an IBM Champion and am compensated by IBM to support and promote IBM events such as the Win With AI Summit.

Machine-Generated Transcript

What follows is an AI-generated transcript. The transcript may contain errors and is not a substitute for watching the video.

In today’s episode, Melissa asks, How can companies leverage data and their most valuable asset as a competitive advantage? This is a really interesting question. That’s an important question. And something that we’re answering at IBM when with AI summit full disclosure, IBM does compensate me to attend these things, mostly with like shirts.

data has sort of six major outcomes that companies should care about in terms of what the data becomes. Most companies most of the time will use use case number one, which is data as the end product for internal use at the company from that data. We do analysis to figure out what happened we use qualitative research to figure out why and then we set strategies, tactics and execution from those analytics and insights and that is

is a great use of data that is a very smart use of data. But it is only one of six potential uses for that data. Now the second use for data within a company. The second second way we can leverage it is as a training source. So

all machine learning all artificial intelligence requires training data requires data to help the machines build models that they can then use to predict or to understand

new incoming data. So we need for internal use to have really, really good, clean add, categorized

with proper proper taxonomy is data that machine learning software can use to build its model. So that’s the second year. So those are the sort of the two major internal uses of data as the end product itself or analysis or as the training data source to build models and then we

Use those models to run our businesses. Those are the only uses. There’s also for external uses for this data that can be a competitive advantage. The first is the data itself as a commodity, to be packaged, to be shared, to be sold

to be published online. This is the raw data. So if you go to, for example, a castle or data dot world, or data dot gov, these are places where you can actually get data sets and work with them. So you would publish them. There are obviously plenty of data sets that you have to pay money for. And so this is where it becomes a competitive advantage. And a revenue generator for a company say, Hey, here’s our, you know, anonymized clean prepared retail shoes data set as an example. And people could take that data set and then use it depending on how trustworthy it is for their own

data efforts if they need to append or augment their own internal data with your data.

They could do so. So if you a company has, for example, strategic partners, that data set could be an enormous asset for those partners to be able to leverage. The second external use will be data analysis as commodities, that against something you would package and sell. So not just the data itself, but your analysis of it is something that you can go and sell on in the marketplace. Your insights will be the third thing you could sell because, again, insights answer the question of why and typically require additional market research to bring the data to life.

My colleague, Tom Webster often says data is not insight, which is absolute data is the raw material insight is the cooked dish, if you will,

and so you need to have those insights. If you’re drawing those insights from your data Anyway, you could certainly publish those insights as something that you could sell.

On the marketplace from my company Trust Insights, we did a women’s retail shoe study

taking search data and turning it into guidance for markers who are in the fashion industry and say, these are the days and times of the weeks when certain types of shoe or certain brands will be most prominent in the fall.

And the finally the last area where data can be a strategic advantage or or a valuable asset is in those machine learning models. Now, this is where you would, instead of giving someone the data and saying hey, good luck building your own model, you could actually take the pre packaged up training model that you built your own internal use and sell that or share that

in marketplaces for sale. For example, if you’re using IBM Watson Analytics there is the analytics exchange you can actually share your models your workbooks and

with other members of the IBM community, if you are working with things like Watson studio, you can import carrots or TensorFlow or other models, we either the code to generate the model the model itself into Watson studio. So, again, you can see how taking those models, not the data, the model built from the data and being able to share that as a strategic asset is a way to really bolster your competitive advantage or to improve the value of of data as an asset

In the latter case in machine learning models, but even in the data itself.

Another application if you don’t want to sell it is to open source it and then have your community contribute to it, either cleaning it and tagging it, for example, or rerunning or improving the model fixing your code even. And so all of these are ways that you could then re import those

changes back into your production ecosystem and make better models which lead to better. And now analysis, which leads to better insights.

All of this is contingent upon

having clean compatible, well chosen data. Internally complete data

is relevant.

And so having good data is sort of the foundation of this. But once you have good data, once you’ve gone through the very, very lengthy and arduous process of creating clean data, you can then leverage it in these two internally uses and these four extra uses to bolster competitive advantage to help strategic partners in your ecosystem to make some money on it, and ultimately, to make your enterprise work better. So a great question a complex question and get thinking about who else could use this data whenever you’re working on a data set? Who else could use this data? Who else could

benefit from this data and that will give you some insights as to what else you could do with the data to turn it into a greater advantage to turn it into a revenue source. As always, please subscribe to the YouTube channel the newsletter, I’ll talk to you soon. Take care

if you want help with your company’s data and analytics. Visit Trust Insights calm today and let us know how we can help you.

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


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