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My Small Business Marketing Technology Stack - header.png

Nicholas asked,

“What does your “marketing stack” consist of at the moment? Which specific tools, products, services are you using and how do you get them all talking to each other?”

My personal marketing technology stack changes frequently. Why? I use myself as the guinea pig for new tools and methods. One of my rules in my work at SHIFT Communications is that I won’t recommend anything to a client I haven’t tried myself. We’ll test tools out as an agency, but even that can entail some risk. So I’ll deploy something new for myself first, and if it doesn’t crash my personal website or systems, then I can safely deploy it for the agency, then clients.

This small business marketing technology stack is divided into three layers: audience, lead generation, and sales/revenue generation. Here’s a snapshot:

my small business marketing technology stack.png

To give you an idea of the frequency of change, the last version of this chart had 25% different stuff than this version. I’m always testing, so the tools are always changing.

I’ll point out this mix of marketing technology is appropriate for a sole proprietor or a small business. I sell books and speaking gigs as my “second job”. Thus, many channels and tools you might expect to see on the list, such as high-budget advertising programs, aren’t on it. The only reason I have marketing automation software on the list is because Mautic (in its self-hosted configuration) is affordable at $8/month; the cloud version is not.

Any small business/sole proprietorship could use a similar mix of tools to achieve solid digital marketing results at relatively low cost. Feel free to use this list as a template for your work.

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


3 responses to “My Small Business Marketing Technology Stack”

  1. Fascinating to see what tools you use. Thanks for sharing.

    Curious, what’s your primary CRM?

    1. My primary CRM? Self-hosted SuiteCRM in a Bitnami container.

  2. begley5634 Avatar

    As a marketing officer we like to get more tips from you those are more necessary for us. I know every viewers are also like this content from you.

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