Google Reader and the loss of serendipity

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

One of the most critical losses to the blog reading community with the rollout of the new Google Reader is the loss of its internal sharing, something that many of us came to rely on for serendipity. Why? Because in many cases, other people in our Google Reader network found new blogs, new items to share, new and interesting perspectives through what our friends shared. With Reader’s new changes pushing everything to G+, it’s mighty hard now to see what your friends thought was important in the blogs they read daily.

Library Clip Art

Let’s take a brief moment to talk about the power of serendipity. Serendipity is loosely defined as finding something that you did not expect to find, a happy accident, and a pleasant surprise. Serendipity is more than just an accident, however – it’s a related accident. Here’s a good example: when you’re at the library, browsing at the shelf, trying to find the book you were looking for, you notice that there’s a series of books on either side of it that are even better than what you’d come looking for. That’s serendipity. Another simple example: you go to a conference to hear a popular speaker and wind up standing at the lunch line right next to them. Serendipity is sort of an accidental upgrade of your circumstances.

That’s what made Google Reader such a powerful engine of serendipity. You weren’t just finding random blog posts on random things. You were finding things that other people who you followed for a reason were finding, and it was all related.

So what do you do if you still want your daily dose of serendipity? On the consuming side, you’ll want to check out the topical categories at sites like Topsy and Alltop. Both of these provide you with some level of discovery, some level of serendipity. I’ve started using the Alltop marketing feed in Flipboard as a way to randomly find related items, and it’s better than nothing.

On the publishing side, you’ve got a few options if you want to help encourage serendipity. On Twitter, I publish a feed every morning of the top 5 items that I thought were worth paying attention to called #the5. You can monitor this simply by searching for #the5 in Twitter search. I also publish a weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to which will round up and wrap up the week’s #the5 entries. You can also save and share items in Instapaper as well, and then permit Facebook, Twitter, or email followers to find your shared items that way.

Most of all? Share a blog you’re reading every week with your friends, by whatever your preferred sharing method is, but tell a friend about a blog you’re reading that you think they might not be (but should be). Your friends will get to know you, you’ll be fostering serendipity, and who knows? They might share something back that will change your morning reading list forever.

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


3 responses to “Google Reader and the loss of serendipity”

  1. Umm or, you could hang out in Google+… 🙂

    In all seriousness I’ve found G+ to be a huge serendipity engine.  I’m connected to more people sharing more interesting stuff than ever there.  

  2. I’ve been using Twitter, Facebook, and Google + as a serendipity engine for several months. I still actually subscribe to a Friendfeed email for certain friends. I also keep up with some blogs via email.

    Serendipity, FTW!

  3. I am also using Facebook and Google+ as serendipity engine for the last few months.

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