What is #the5 and what does it mean?

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

It’s no secret that I read a great deal. The first hour or so of every workday (the quiet time before other SHIFT employees arrive) is spent reading, researching, learning, whether it’s social media, email marketing, search engine optimization, or just what’s new and notable.

Using the hashtag #the5, I’ll let you know about 5 things that caught my eye in the morning news. It might be marketing, search, social media, amusing silly fun, or heck, even big World of Warcraft news. Whatever’s interesting and of note in the morning reading, it’ll get tagged #the5.

Obviously, this would be a great deal more interesting if you participated, too. Yes, there’s Google+. Yes, there’s all different ways of sharing stuff. #the5 is just a more casual way of doing it, and it’s focused on the start of the workday, interesting things that catch your mind and eye before the day gets busy. It might be a photo, a tweet, a video, whatever.

I look forward to seeing what catches your eye as you start your day.

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


27 responses to “What is #the5 and what does it mean?”

  1. Interesting idea…

    Like it Chris. Will stay tuned.

  2. Giddy idea, Chris!

    I'm going to add a #the5 column to my TweetDeck and I look forward to participating from time to time, too. 🙂

  3. Interesting idea…

    Like it Chris. Will stay tuned.

  4. Giddy idea, Chris!

    I'm going to add a #the5 column to my TweetDeck and I look forward to participating from time to time, too. 🙂

  5. What an awesome idea.

  6. What an awesome idea.

  7. apparelqueen1 Avatar

    I like this idea and will be looking forward to your #the5 in 2010! Happy New Year!

  8. apparelqueen1 Avatar

    I like this idea and will be looking forward to your #the5 in 2010! Happy New Year!

  9. Clever. Its a concise way to know when you're posting recommendeds and how much to expect. i like it. Thanks Chris.

  10. Clever. Its a concise way to know when you're posting recommendeds and how much to expect. i like it. Thanks Chris.

  11. Louise Forman Avatar
    Louise Forman

    Love this idea! Definitely what Twitter's about for me.

  12. Louise Forman Avatar
    Louise Forman

    Love this idea! Definitely what Twitter’s about for me.

  13. Very cool idea. Better than the numbers that I never understood.

    This I get. 🙂

  14. Very cool idea. Better than the numbers that I never understood.

    This I get. 🙂

  15. I like this idea and am gonna play along.

  16. I like this idea and am gonna play along.

  17. plz share the stats…seeing what catches your eye as you start your day. we're info junkies too…

  18. plz share the stats…seeing what catches your eye as you start your day. we're info junkies too…

  19. plz share the stats…seeing what catches your eye as you start your day. we're info junkies too…

  20. […] and article and comment as necessary and appropriate. I will pick a handful to share, similar to Chris Penn’s #the5 and move on. New posts and articles that come in during my non-reading hours will wait until the […]

  21. Great insight and idea. I’m a life-long learner who really appreciates the information. http://blogs.webster.edu/sbt/

  22.  why not 3? @cspenncspenn

  23. I love reading the links you share via this hashtag Christopher and I’ve finally decided to stop lurking and start participating. I’m starting small though with 3 links a day only (#the3) – don’t want to burn out!

  24. […] including one of his own pieces in his list (though not always). In addition, he uses the hashtag #The5 to help his followers find these social content curation […]

  25. […] For example, almost every weekday morning, I publish 5 interesting reads under the hashtag #the5. I’ve been doing this since 2009. What happens with consistency? People start picking it […]

  26. […] began a test on March 11, 2015 to do a daily social promotion. My usual schedule of 5 items of note remained the same; the social offer was simply tacked on later in the […]

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