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You Ask, I Answer: Is AI Cheating?

In today’s episode, I tackle a complex question around AI and ethics. Is using AI cheating? I discuss how AI changes rules around education, work, and more. Tune in to hear perspectives on how societies may adapt to increasingly capable AI systems.

You Ask, I Answer: Is AI Cheating?

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In today’s episode, Brennan asks, I’m seeing an increasing amount of folks who view AI as cheating, like Levi’s using AI to increase diversity of models in the e commerce photos or people in the education space, using it for cheating.

Why do others think that is and do we think the stigma will go away over time as AI becomes more accepted? Does it get worse before it gets better? Cheating implies that you are doing something against the rules, right? If you’re cheating on a test, you are giving answers that aren’t yours.

And essentially sidestepping the intent of a test, right? The intent of a test is to validate that the knowledge that is on the test is in fact in your head.

When we talk about cheating in the context of like, content marketing, we’re talking about using AI as a shortcut as a way to generate something that doesn’t exist.

And so the question is, who are we cheating? And what are we cheating them off? There’s in the education space, there’s a very valid question to be asked, which is what is the purpose of education? And what is the purpose of things like testing and validating the knowledge of someone in someone’s head when we all have devices like these that allow us access to that information 24 seven, even more so now with generative AI.

So what is the purpose of education? Right? Is the purpose of education to validate that you can remember things? If that’s the case, then AI does a better job of that machines do a better job of that.

You don’t even need to be talking about AI search engines from the 1990s do a better job of that simply because our human brains cannot hold on to that amount of information nearly as well as a machine does and with generative AI and large language models in particular, they essentially have perfect memory.

So if the if education is about memorizing things, then yes, using AI would be cheating because you are essentially claiming that you can remember things using AI that you in fact cannot.

So that’s misrepresentation.

However, if education is about critical thinking, then remembering stuff becomes less important than synthesizing good arguments, right.

And so the question at that point becomes, is AI doing the work for you, in which case it is still misrepresentation? Or is it assisting you in helping speed up the process so that instead of having to dig up all the information that you need to make an argument or synthesize an idea, you can instead focus on the actual mental work of the synthesis itself.

In that case, it might not be cheating.

For the e commerce example, using AI to increase the diversity of models.

In one sense, it is a good thing because it would allow a company particularly maybe retroactively to add diversity where it simply didn’t exist, right and more diversity in general, more representation general is a good thing.

Now, who is cheating would be actual talent, right? If you incorporate a photo of an Asian man in your your marketing collateral, but you did not pay an Asian man to pose for your your jeans catalog, then you are depriving that person of potential income, or that class of people from protect potential income instead using synthesis.

This is going to be a it’s part of a much bigger conversation about jobs about the future of work about what work means, and what value we provide standing there looking good in a pair of jeans.

There is value in the marketplace for that.

But there is equal value in having a machine do that, because it is less expensive.

And depending on the kind of work, it could be less problematic, right? So there is, for example, a whole industry of like child fashion models, there is also a lot of questionable behavior by parents in that space.

In particular, if you replace that content with machines, on the one hand, you eliminate a source of income for those people.

On the other hand, you also eliminate the incentives for parents to do bad things to their kids that they shouldn’t in pursuit of that income.

So there’s not a clear answer as to whether that is cheating or not.

Generally speaking, people, companies, etc.

have the same basic motivations, right? Better, faster, cheaper, we all want better, faster, cheaper.

And individuals are motivated by emotional needs, right? The joke is everything, everyone is motivated by greed, stupidity, or horniness.

And there’s a degree of truth to that we are motivated by emotional needs.

If AI can fulfill those in the form of an appealing human human like synthesis, wearing a pair of jeans, and you can create your product, which the marketing is the product in this case, for a lower cost, you’re going to pick that, right? If you have two things, the quality is equal.

One is less expensive than the other.

And it’s also faster, better, faster, cheaper, people are going to pick the AI solution.

The exception will be where people place value on and are willing to pay a premium for authentic human content, right? My partner CEO Katie Rivera calls us artisanal content, you know, handcrafted content.

Look at the beauty industry, look at the fashion industry, there is a booming marketplace for that artisanal handcrafted content.

We talked about this on a recent episode of the Trust Insights podcast, there is a market value to, you know, authentic handcrafted, small batch, whatever the whatever the term is you want to use.

And there will continue to be a marketplace for those things in the physical goods space.

And now in the content space, knowing that a piece of content was created by a human with little to no help from AI, like this video, for example, I’m reading Brennan’s question, but I’m giving an answer that is entirely human, there’s no AI editing whatsoever.

And so whether or not you consider the use of AI cheating depends on what it is you’re doing, and who it is that you’re cheating and what you’re cheating them out of the the most impactful area will be thing like wages, right? Wait, taking wages away from someone and giving it to a machine instead.

That’s problematic.

And that’s something that societies as a whole will have to figure out how to address something like education is going to require rethinking what education is itself and the meaning of education in a world where a machine can give you intelligent answers that are better than what you could generate most of the time.

Now, that’s going to be dictated by law, by commerce, and by culture, there are no easy answers here, there’s no way to say this is what’s going to happen, because every society will be different.

But it is a discussion societies need to have, and probably sooner rather than later.

Thanks for the question.

Talk to you next time.

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


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