You Ask, I Answer: Testing Campaign Creatives with Google Analytics

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You Ask, I Answer: Testing Campaign Creatives with Google Analytics

David asks, “How do you know what pieces of a campaign’s creative were most impactful, such as images, tone, copy, offer, etc.?”

The famous direct marketer Bob Stone said in 1968 that all direct marketing is based on list, offer, creative, and that gives us guidance as to what to structure our campaigns around for testing purposes. Today, that’s segments, offers, and tagged content. In this video, we’ll talk through some of the basics for each.

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You Ask, I Answer: Testing Campaign Creatives with Google Analytics

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In today’s video, David asks,

How do you know what pieces of our campaigns creative or most impactful such as images, tone, copy offer, etc.

The famous direct marketer Bob Stone said in 1968 that all direct marketing is based on list offer and creative. He said, that was the fundamentals of direct marketing. And if you didn’t get those right, nothing else mattered. And that gives us guidance as to what to structure our campaigns for testing purposes today, instead of list offer creative that’s segments offers and tagged content. So let’s talk through a few of these different pieces. The first thing you will want to test for the impact on the campaign or the your lists segments? How have you segmented your lists? are you saving them by

demographics, by firma graphics, by behavior? In what ways are you Do you have your audiences tagged and delineated, I would suggest that you do use a combination of these if you list is big enough, especially if you’re using email as a core part of one of your channels.

But also think about segments as the different behavioral channels that people can reach you on social media search email referral traffic,

you’ll want to keep an eye on each of those channels to see which ones contributed most to the campaigns. Now, in order to measure

this, you need to be using tracking software that contract

behaviors and interactions at a channel level and an interaction on one that typically means Google Analytics, because you’ll want to set up goals that measure the campaign itself, and the outcomes that you care about. And that will, in turn, allow you to measure all of those channels, the individual audience segments and stuff like that, plus some tracking stuff we’ll get to in just a minute. So first up segments, what segments are you tracking, and then how do they participate in those goal completions. The second one, which is offers talks about creative and this one is, is difficult when in terms of copy on it auto page to test

if you’re just using

straight up out of the box, Google Analytics to use this. And to test different types of copy and tone at least on landing pages, you’re going to want to use a tool like Google Optimize, which is also free as part of the Google Analytics Google marketing platform now. And what optimized does is allows you to change multiple parts of a webpage such as

images, but more critically, it allows you to adjust different pieces of text on a page, rewrite it and serve up different variations. If you have Google Tag Manager, you can use you can get very granular about which which channels you can test on.

So if you want to test only Facebook

visitors, you would set up a tag that says fire only on this page to traffic from, and then fire optimize tag

at that time. So there are ways to isolate down each channel. But fundamentally, you want to use Google Optimize, to test out those awesome offers to

see what what copy resonates.

The third part is the creative and this is where depending on the elements of a web page, it or

in a campaign such as an image or things like that, you’re going to want to use Google’s you tm tags, the universal the urgent tracking module tags, and there’s we did

a video about these not too long ago, tracking

how to set up the campaign source, the campaign medium, the campaign content, campaign keywords, and so on, and so forth.

The key with YouTube and tags is that you want to be as granular as possible, well, as granular as you need for measurement purposes. So

if you’ve got five different images in, you know, five different tweets, you’ll want different new tm tags on each tweet. So that you can determine, you know, this is the tweet that that sent us that converting traffic, it’s essential to use YouTube tags in social media. Because otherwise, everything comes in as one big up, it’s essential to use them in advertising. So if you are using any ad system other than Google ads, and even then it’s not bad idea using a Google ads, you want to make sure that you’re you tm tags are set up in such a way that you’re tracking every individual add every the for example, in the YouTube content thing, you might have light bulb image one light bulb moments to light bulb images, three so that you know very granular exactly what variation of ads being served up match to the creative you’ve invested in and add content you put out. So that’s in a nutshell, it’s very large nutshell how you would test these pieces. Now, how do you know what’s working, that’s when you go into Google Analytics in Google Analytics

under the goals section in assisted conversions, you’re going to want to go from the comes in

stressing on the it’s called default channel grouping

like search, email, social,

that’s a good place to start.

But what you’re gonna want to do is flip over to the campaign settings and be able to cease campaign source campaign medium campaign content. And that’s where you’re going to find out as much as you can about how what causes conversion, again, those you tm tags are going to be the lifesaver of your analytics. If you can figure out if you can build a well thought out plan in a spreadsheet, then and standardize your tags, you’ll be able to track very effectively every piece of the campaign from copy to imagery and things like that every possible variation that you’re out there running with. And because you’re using Google Analytics,

if once you’ve gone into conversions, and you flip over to campaign settings, you can see within the same day, what’s working what’s not. So if you don’t have four weeks, or six weeks, or eight weeks, whatever, to do an exhaustive test need to get something rolling right away. By using those campaign tags. You can see in Google’s conversions, hey, these are the campaign components that are leading to conversions. Now, the one caution I will have there is avoid making rapid changes to a campaign unless you have pre designed to the campaign to make those changes along the way. And the reason for that is what tends to happen is people in haste tend to screw up their tags and then the data is unusable, the data is no longer statistically valid. So

as with so many things, we say this a lot of trust insights plan your strategy first plan your goals first plan your campaign first do as much of that upfront as possible it will make the deployment the campaign easier and I’ll make the results reliable. So make sure that you do that. So

list off a creative it’s funny, that was what

60 years ago now

and that advice still works today because at the end of the day, we’re marketing to humans so great question Dave challenging question requires a lot of work on your part but if you do it you’ll be able to measure very very gradually all over the place within your digital marketing analytics infrastructure

one thing to think about

is if your company is doing offline as well you’re going to want to try and measure that in the same ideas apply custom URLs all over the place custom with each one with its own Tagalog if you had bus add signs around New York City for example

every app should have its own custom URL so you know if the bus on the number 57 I was the bus or as the the the our train the Midtown you want to know is that train the one that’s that’s converting for you and so be as granular as possible. The good news is if you’re even an

offline if you’re sending people to an online destination you Google Analytics infrastructure can help support you there. So very, very powerful tool. As always, please the follow up comments in the comments and please subscribe to the YouTube channel and the newsletter

I’ll talk to you soon

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


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