You Ask, I Answer: Will AI Become Self-Aware?

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You Ask, I Answer: Will AI Become Self-Aware?

Max asks, “Do you think it is possible that AI becomes more advanced to the point where an algorithm or deep learning can develop its own conscious thoughts?”

You Ask, I Answer: Will AI Become Self-Aware?

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Alright, let’s get going here we have Max asking, Do you think that it is possible at AI, artificial intelligence becomes more advanced to the point where an algorithm or deep learning can develop its own conscious thoughts? Today? No.

In the near future? No.

The challenge with consciousness as we understand it right now, is that it is a massive interaction of a computer network, right? A massive neural network.

What is in your pocket, right? These devices as smart as they are as connected as they are? This is really, you know, I think this phone has like, eight cores, eight processors or whatever, something like that.

Now, your your laptop like I’ve got a brand new MacBook has got 32 cores.

Your brain even though it is electrochemical, which is slower than than silicon, then then these things is trillions of interconnected processors.

And it is that network that gives rise to consciousness.

These devices, this hardware doesn’t have the ability to do that, right? There’s simply not enough, there’s no way to cram that many processors into a compact enough space where consciousness can emerge.

Now, I say that that’s not enough time soon, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

One of the limitations of these things that our brains don’t have is because of the way things are networked together.

Silicon processors can’t, they have no, they have no middle states, right, they’re either on or off zero or one.

And our brains don’t work like that.

We do have firing thresholds for neurons, but for the most part, we’re less zero to one, there’s there’s a lot of variants between zero and one.

Now there is a form of computing that is getting towards that.

And that is called quantum computing.

Quantum computing allows for minus one to positive one and all the values in between, for a, a computation to occur in a processor.

And we’re still only at like 130 Quantum cores.

So we’ve got a long way to go, before we get to the trillions of cores needed to replicate what’s in here.

But you can see a path forward for that, you can see a path forward where quantum computing will eventually give us the ability to have emergent consciousness from machines.

Now what that looks like and when that happens, we have no idea it could be within my natural lifetime, it might be longer than that.

A lot of it is contingent on physics, on the constraints that physics imposes on these types of computers.

But it is possible and when that happens, we are going to have a bit of a reckoning as a society to figure out what all constitutes consciousness what all what all do we have to do about ethics and things when machines can actually think and feel for themselves? They cannot today, but they could at some point.

So really interesting question Max.

Thanks for for submitting Matt.

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


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