You Ask, I Answer: Review of the Marketing Rebellion

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You Ask, I Answer: Review of the Marketing Rebellion

Mark Schaefer asked me to read through and review his latest book, the Marketing Rebellion. I offer some thoughts in the review about takeaways and what machine learning should be helping marketers to do better.

Purchase the Marketing Rebellion here on Amazon.

FTC Disclosure: Mark sent me a review copy along with some odd random objects for free, providing indirect compensation for an objective review. Links to Amazon are affiliate links.

You Ask, I Answer: Review of the Marketing Rebellion

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In today’s episode, Mark Schaefer asked me to review his new book, the marketing rebellion. This is a book about making marketing more human. And in a lot of ways

after having read through it, it is a book about for marketers focusing more on the things that matter to customers and all frankly, being

less lazy in our approach to the way we use marketing technology. Now, there are a couple of minor nitpicks I have about the book in particular,

for brands that have already scaled it is much more difficult for them to implement a lot of recommendations and here than it is for say, like an artist and all soap shop which can be founder and value driven right away for something like you know

p&g. It’s gonna be a little hard to to do that. The other thing that I wish market talked more about in this book was

looking at the data to help you understand better who your market isn’t, isn’t he does a good job of explaining from a, I guess, a human perspective. But when you look at the marketplace right now, especially if you look from a macro economic perspective, there are very, very different behavioral segments that we have to approach. There is an entire group of people who shop at Sephora, but there’s also a huge group of people to shop at Dollar General and many of the tactics and the ideas in this book need to be in some cases heavily modified to fit different markets. It’s in here at a human level, but I wish there was some more data on it and no surprise there. I’m the one part I strongly agree with is that marketers have

marketers are using technology in the wrong way.

There’s nothing wrong with automation. In fact I think automation is probably the thing that has saved marketers most of their sanity it’s just that the systems they use have been poorly connected and ineptly deployed

if there is no excuse in 2019 for someone to send out an email to a customer who’s already bought the thing I was sending out emails yesterday for

for my new book and

I uploaded the purchase list of customers as a knockout on the segmentation saying don’t send this email to people who’ve already bought there’s no point right they they bought the book and they knew it exists and they want to buy another one baby maybe they will and so it’s just making sure that as Barker’s we go that extra mile to make sure our technology is doing what we would have done if we actually cared about the customer.

But even more than that when it comes to looking for insights about your customers as one of the things in the in the manifesto in this


Machine Learning offers an incredible path forward for marketers if they have either the right software and the knowledge or the right partners and agencies to do this companies are sitting on so much information so much information that they’re not using it it’s sitting is locked away it’s in the it’s in the equivalent of that big cardboard box in your office that you you know you never unpacked and the last time you moved offices

and that’s where all the good stuff is your customer service inbox is a one of the best market research sources you could possibly ask for. Because customers you don’t have to go out and pay to talk to customers customers come to you. But if that data never gets used, then it’s not helping. It’s not helping them marketing. So I would encourage

every marketer but but particularly the ones who read through the marketing rebellion to look at the data you already have when

Mark talks about how the customer is in charge of your marketing. He’s right go look on Yelp or glass door or G to crowd or any of these review sites or Amazon. Go look at your inbox, your CRM your call center transcripts the customer is telling you everything you need to know everything you could possibly want to know about your company if you have the ears to listen I was one of my favorite quotes from

the Christian Bible is that he who has ears for listen while Yeah,

when you look at

what the customers are telling us by the way the cover is missing because I don’t like the field. Those like glossy cover says remove them. This is what the book looks like underneath

when you listen to customers when you use software to to dig through insights and pick a good algorithm to do so. You will get much more

actionable insights that will help you move your marketing forward far better than any technology alone can do. The technology can’t solve the problem

there. This sort of a three legged stool when it comes to all marketing technology

solutions, its people, process and platform. The platform is easy. That’s the easiest part. The technology is the easiest part. The hardest part is typically actually the people getting your people to change how they do work, getting people to level up their skills and then setting in place processes for them to do so. So it is

it is an important challenge that you need to tackle. So should you buy this book? Absolutely, you should buy this book and you should read it. You should especially read page 175 to 176, which is the manifesto for human centered marketing.

Number two and particularly, technology should be invisible to the customer and only used to help your company be more compassionate. Number three is

Also interesting and important to you can’t own the customer. And it’s true you we cannot own

a relationship, the relationships because a custodian is the customer for the customer side, we can grow the relationship or we can diminish it through our actions, but we can’t own it, per se.

And I think even more important, and this is something that’s not necessarily in here. But relevant

is that people

seldom do business with a brand people do business with other people who work at that brand. And so your your marketing is only as good as your least good customer facing employee. So

back to people, process and platform and the platform and the process can help improve that least good employee or tell you to counsel them out one of the two but

that is sort of the

What will define your marketing? I’m about to head this morning over to the Department of Motor Vehicles. There’s an organization that has historically not been as customer focused as it should be. And it will be interesting to see what happens as over time as technology there improves the customer experience by saying automation

may actually be an improvement over the humans who work there. Just get really humans have machines do everything. Because

if your customer experience is so bad that a machine is better than a human, then use the machine you’ll automatically deliver a uniform mediocre experiences and a lot of cases mediocre is better than awful right? I can’t really think of a case where were

awful is a better choice. So

in any event, the marketing rebellion on sale where ever books are sold. It is a good week is a fun read if you have ever wanted to sit down over coffee or a beer with Mark.

reading this book is like just sitting across the table from him and listening to it is very much though his tone and the way he speaks as a human being so very much worth read that if you’ve ever wanted to sit down with him. As always, please

leave your questions in the comment. Subscribe to the YouTube channel and the newsletter I’ll talk to you soon want help solving your company’s data analytics and digital marketing problems. This is trust today and let us know how we can help you.

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


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