You Ask, I Answer: How Often to Check Facebook Analytics?

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You Ask, I Answer: How Often to Check Facebook Analytics?

Deb asks, “How often should you check your Facebook Analytics?”

This is an interesting question because it’s predicated on a key assumption about Facebook Analytics. Watch the video to learn more about how often and why you should or shouldn’t check your Facebook Analytics.

You Ask, I Answer: How Often to Check Facebook Analytics?

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Machine-Generated Transcript

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Today’s episode Deb asks how often should you check your Facebook analytics? This is an interesting question because it’s predicated on a key assumption about Facebook analytics and that is the they were important that there’s something that you should be checking

Facebook is a channel and it’s a set of tactics and methods and therefore you would want to check it when you are making changes to those tactics or if your businesses one of those rare few where Facebook is the end point for your transactions, meaning that the the the key business KPIs happen on Facebook such as if you’re using Facebook marketplace to sell stuff and you’re making money on Facebook then then yeah, you’d want to check Facebook analytics fairly often.

The general rule of thumb is the

The further the closer to the business result you are, the more you should be checking the analytics of any system, right? So if your business result is sales, you probably want to check that fairly frequently. On the other hand,

something like reach or impressions or even engagements on social media, those are not business outcomes and therefore you don’t have to check them as frequently

the time when you would want to check these analytics would be again like I mentioned when you’re making changes to a system but also when you’re doing an in depth analysis of what’s working and what’s not and you would do this using statistical or machine learning software to say hey these are the key factors that we care about like sales and then you have a big old spreadsheet of all the different columns that you have like Facebook Likes and engagements and like and wow and haha

All that stuff and your Google Analytics data and your marketing automation data, and your CRM data that has the, the outcome that you care about the business impact, and the statistical software will process the slice and dice and and mix and match all these variables until it finds the combination of those variables that

indicate most strongly that they correspond to the business outcome you care about. So if it turns out that Facebook post reach or engagements is has a high

a strong relationship to the business outcome, then you would want to check those analytics more frequently because those the ones that are better are shown to have a a correlative engagement and you’d want to then increase or decrease your activities to see if you can prove causation to see if you can say, Yep, this is in fact what drives

this sales that we care about. On the other hand, if you

Run that analysis and Facebook’s not in your top five variables of of things that lead to business results that it’s probably safe to say you can do a little bit less on Facebook and certainly check the analytics a lot less frequently.

At the end of the day, you have to check the analytics of the things that matter the most. Because every time you dig into the analytics of a system

you are are many people are compelled to dig around some more and figure out like who is this something I should be looking at. And then they kind of go down a little rat holes and that’s okay. If it’s a critical business number. If it’s just a distraction. If there’s no value to that number, then you’re not using your time the best way possible. So

Facebook analytics are only important if Facebook’s important to you. And Facebook’s only important if it’s creating business outcome.

This is true by the way of any analytic system.

So how often should you check your YouTube Analytics? How often should you check your Twitter analytics, your Reddit analytics, all these different systems. One of the problems that a lot of marketers, especially social media marketers have is there’s too many systems and too much data out there. And they’re not sure what matters and they don’t know where to spend their time. And so it’s kind of like all these numbers. What I do with all these numbers, this is this is how you get around that you do the analysis you figure out what what matters what doesn’t, and then you focus in on the things that matter the most. I was doing some work for a customer yesterday actually. And one of the things that came up in this this analysis was

Instagram matters to the whole bunch or matters to their outcome that they care about a whole bunch but they’re spending a lot of their time on Facebook and so one of the pieces of feedback is let’s move some of those resources because the analytics man and and the end

sites say Instagram has that more strong relationship. So let’s

keep the amount of work that you’re doing, but move it from one channel to another and see if in turn, we have the increase in business results that corresponds to that relationship. It won’t always be there. Sometimes there can be a relationship that is not causal, or that there’s a confounding factor of some kind. A really good example of this would be the textbook example is

ice cream consumption and drowning deaths have a highly correlated well, ice cream doesn’t cause drowning. But it’s summertime means people eat more ice cream in summertime means people go swimming more and the more people who go swimming the more people

down so

it’s not always a guarantee, but at the very least you can establish the relationship then begin testing for question.

ality or looking for those underlying factors so great question Deb how often should you change your check your Facebook analytics how often to check any analytics is contingent upon what those KPIs are And the important thing to do and maybe this is a topic for a separate video is you got to do your KPI mapping first so that you understand what you really should be focusing your time and energy on. As always, please leave comments in the comment section below and subscribe to the YouTube channel and the newsletter I’ll talk to you soon. Take care

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


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