A Missed Opportunity for Podcasting?

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A Missed Opportunity for Podcasting?

Just got off the phone with a company representative that wants to do a regional sponsorship for a few grand here in New England. My show was very much not the right fit, so I talked the rep through navigating MySpace and Google to locate other podcasters in the area, as well as pointing them at the New England Podcasting home page for other great shows in New England that might be a better fit.

Here’s the zinger – the rep was on every major podcast network site out there, and couldn’t search by locale. This is a local sponsor, and there was no way for them to say, “Show me all the podcasts in Massachusetts” that they could find. MySpace is one of the few sites that publishes that info.

And Todd Cochrane – I stand very much corrected in my initial statement about demographics in the last post. This advertiser wants a specific area because their ad spend would be wasted if the target audience isn’t within an easy drive of the locale, so demographics very much do matter here. Crow ain’t bad with dijon mustard. A little feathery.

To everyone out there running their own podcast or podcast network – if you want to take advertising, make sure you have a media kit. Want to see an awesome media kit? Check out the Mommycast media kit. It’s a thing of beauty. If you run a podcast network, please help make it easy for people like this potential sponsor to figure out which shows would be a good fit for them, right on your site.

Maybe I’ll add how to create a nice media kit to PodCamp Europe.


10 responses to “A Missed Opportunity for Podcasting?”

  1. I’m not trying to be belligerent or confrontational with this, but please help me understand what I’m missing here, Chris.

    Wouldn’t an advertiser want to connect where the listeners are, rather than the origination point? If I produce my show in the Midwest (or anywhere else on the planet), but most of the listeners are in California, does it not make more sense to seek California-centric sponsorship opportunities?

  2. I’m not trying to be belligerent or confrontational with this, but please help me understand what I’m missing here, Chris.

    Wouldn’t an advertiser want to connect where the listeners are, rather than the origination point? If I produce my show in the Midwest (or anywhere else on the planet), but most of the listeners are in California, does it not make more sense to seek California-centric sponsorship opportunities?

  3. i agree there should be a search by locale.

    however, when it comes to mommycast, i couldn’t even get to their media kit, let alone read it.

  4. i agree there should be a search by locale.

    however, when it comes to mommycast, i couldn’t even get to their media kit, let alone read it.

  5. Bryce – sorry, I wasn’t clear. The advertiser is a New England based company and is looking for New England podcasts to advertise on.

  6. Bryce – sorry, I wasn’t clear. The advertiser is a New England based company and is looking for New England podcasts to advertise on.

  7. I had the same thing happen with my podcast, Cubicle Divas. A rep called me up to find out what percentage of my audience is Canadian. They were representing a Canadian company that has since launched a national campaign to get people to switch to their service.

    Thankfully, I had those numbers because I recently surveyed my audience. But when she asked me how could she find Canadian specific podcasts that target a particular demographic, I was stumped. Not many podcast directories (if any) allow you to search by locale.

    A problem indeed.

  8. I had the same thing happen with my podcast, Cubicle Divas. A rep called me up to find out what percentage of my audience is Canadian. They were representing a Canadian company that has since launched a national campaign to get people to switch to their service.

    Thankfully, I had those numbers because I recently surveyed my audience. But when she asked me how could she find Canadian specific podcasts that target a particular demographic, I was stumped. Not many podcast directories (if any) allow you to search by locale.

    A problem indeed.

  9. If someone is using Libsyn and Kiptronic.com I beleive they can direct the advertisement to certain areas. I’m not sure how precise it is. You might want to talk to Jonathon at Kiptronic.

  10. If someone is using Libsyn and Kiptronic.com I beleive they can direct the advertisement to certain areas. I’m not sure how precise it is. You might want to talk to Jonathon at Kiptronic.

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