To the land of köttbullar!

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

I’m off to Sweden today with PodCamp Co-Founder and partner, Chris Brogan. We’re headed, of course, to PodCamp Europe, a gathering of new media minds veteran and new, for two days of sharing, learning, and growing. It’s shaping up to be a great event, with lots of interest from mobile communications companies, students, journalists, and more – which reflects Scandinavia’s strong points, from what I’ve been reading.

A quick shout out is earned by Andy Nyman and the Swecasters for being co-organizers, and of course to Jeff Pulver and VON, and Audana for sponsoring.

Other random things… apparently, Swedish fish actually were Swedish at one point. The Swedish Chef from the Muppets was not Swedish, but may have been based on an actual Swedish chef. Swedish meatballs are called köttbullar and are served at IKEA. This I did not know.

Rehearsal went well last night for the Podcast Marketing presentation. I’m much happier with the current version, which is a lot more coherent, as opposed to being just a bag of stuff.

If you’re going to be in Stockholm, email me – FinancialAidPodcast at GMail dot com – and we can try to grab a cup of coffee and see the sights of Stockholm!


4 responses to “To the land of köttbullar!”

  1. Hey there! Hope the PodCamping is going as well as the photoblogging, the pictures are fantastic. Come back to us in one piece!


  2. Hey there! Hope the PodCamping is going as well as the photoblogging, the pictures are fantastic. Come back to us in one piece!


  3. Aw, have fun in Europe! Take lots of pictures! 🙂
    Are you going to be at Podcasters Across Borders?
    Talk to you soon! Say hi to Chris Brogan for me. Be safe and have fun!

  4. Aw, have fun in Europe! Take lots of pictures! 🙂
    Are you going to be at Podcasters Across Borders?
    Talk to you soon! Say hi to Chris Brogan for me. Be safe and have fun!

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