You Ask, I Answer: Types of GA 4 Conversions?

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You Ask, I Answer: Types of GA 4 Conversions?

Erin asks, “What kinds of conversions are best practices for tools like GA 4?”

It depends on what kind of website you have, and what the things are that you want people to be doing. The general rule of thumb I use, I use a rule of thumb called the Five E’s, entrance, conversions, engagement conversions, evaluation, conversions, expression conversions, and exchange conversions.

You Ask, I Answer: Types of GA 4 Conversions?

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Christopher Penn 0:00

In this episode, Aaron asks, what kinds of conversions are best practices? For tools like Google Analytics? 4? We get this question a lot.

The answer is it depends.

It depends on what kind of website you have, and what the things are that you want people to be doing.

The general rule of thumb I use, I use a rule of thumb called the Five E’s, entrance, conversions, engagement conversions, evaluation, conversions, expression conversions, and exchange conversions.

So let’s talk through each of these entrance conversions are those first touches, right? This is first visit new visitors, new users.

The reason you want to have different goals throughout the buyers journey, and maybe even through the entire customer journey in Google Analytics 4 Is that the built in attribution modeling? Does its modeling based on the conversions you set up? If all you have is a purchase conversion, then you don’t have any visibility into all of the steps that people might take before converting? And the points that might at they why they might be getting hung up from point to point and you wait, you’d want to know, are there different audiences at each stage of the customer journey? And you can’t know this if you don’t have different conversion setup along the way.

So entrance conversions? Are those first introductions, right? Somebody comes in, you want to know, is this a first visit for them? Are they a new user? What were the sources and mediums involved in that with a campaign? So entrance conversions would be my first category? My second category would be engagement conversions.

So engagement conversions really are the things that you do to engage with a site, right? So these this is stuff like, read time, right? So how long does it take to do somebody doing stuff like consuming content, watching videos, downloading PDFs that are not not gated in any way, they’re, they demonstrate an audience’s interest in learning more about you, right? Scroll depth would be engagement conversion.

The third layer is called evaluation conversions.

Now, these are things that people do, because they’re evaluating you more seriously.

Contact Form fills, requested demo, maybe newsletter subscriptions.

Please call me book an appointment.

Someone’s going through and start to evaluate your company they are evaluating whether they want to do business with you or not.

Evaluating Conversions can also include certain specific sequences, like people visiting specific pages, like a pricing page, where you don’t really hang out on a pricing page unless you weren’t, you know, have some buying intent.

So that would be the third bucket.

The fourth bucket would be expression conversions.

These are things that someone might do to, to express their interest in different ways, like clicking on a social share, clicking email this to a friend, something where an audience member is recommending you somehow.

So clicking over to social media channel, clicking on share this podcast share this YouTube video, whatever the things that people can do to share stuff, again, you want to measure that and it needs to be discrete from other types of conversions.

And the fifth one, of course, is exchange conversions.

This is flat out commerce, right, you have bought something.

You’ve signed an RFP, or an NDA or something that Google Analytics can see.

Because it is web analytics software, but it really has very strong commercial intent, request a price quote, all of those exchange conversions.

So that list entrance engagement, evaluation, expression, and exchange, are the five kinds of conversions I recommend people set up in any web analytics package doesn’t have to be just Google Analytics, any package of web analytics so that you can see what are people doing at each stage, how much is happening at each stage, and then you can measure percentage change from from one stage to the next.

If you again, if you only measure conversions, you know, purchases and stuff, you’re gonna miss a lot of other things that you may not necessarily be able to to reverse engineer like, why are people not sharing our stuff? Why are people not engaging with our content? Why are people not watching our videos? You can’t know that from a conversion type this purely set to the very bottom of the funnel.

You can only know that from measuring those specific activities and by measuring each stage in your customer journey with web analytics.

You You can diagnose each state a lot more thoroughly.

So those are the goals types that I generally recommend.

Now, you can have different types of built in.

So email link click PDFs, gated content and stuff, but they should each structurally fit in one of those five buckets, one of the five E’s so that’s that’s how I would get started.

Good question.

Thanks for asking.

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


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