Attribution is everything in measuring your marketing

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

Here’s a mystery for you to solve. This is my website’s traffic from Sunday, May 3, 2015:

CB All_Traffic_-_Google_Analytics 2.jpg

Here’s my traffic from Sunday, May 10, 2015:

CB All_Traffic_-_Google_Analytics.jpg

What do you see as the difference?

The standout should be the top line, direct/none. Direct/none is Google’s attribution of any traffic source that it can’t identify. What called my attention to this wasn’t Google Analytics, but my inbox.


What happened that newsletter subscriptions were pouring in, at the rate of 1 every 2-3 minutes? I had no idea.

What do you do in that case? Ask people! Based on the email addresses coming in, I made a few educated guesses about Twitter handles, or used Twitter handles included, and asked people how they heard of me.


The root cause was my friend Chris Brogan linking to my newsletter in his, a very kind gesture which I’ll return by recommending you subscribe to his here. This chain of events showcases what’s wrong with most marketing: attribution failure.

Chris’ newsletter subscriber are coming to my site as direct/none. This is a problem for several reasons.

First, for me to determine where traffic came from, I had to get in touch with several subscribers and ask them. If this were a business, rather than a side hobby, I’d look kind of silly for not knowing where my traffic was coming from.

Second, going forward, if any of these folks convert to a sale, direct/none will be given the attribution or assisted attribution. That means Chris won’t – and this is not something I can retroactively fix in Google Analytics. I’ll have to make a note of those subscriber emails and know that Chris was really the source. Again, not a problem for a side hobby, but if I was paying Chris per lead generated, I’d be telling him he generated no business for me, and he’d be saying he did. The attribution failure makes him look much worse than he is, which is awesome.

Third, the problem isn’t Chris – it’s his software provider. This is where choosing the right tool for the job matters so much. Use the best tools you can afford, in order to accurately measure the effectiveness of your marketing. I’ve advised Chris privately on what to do in his specific situation; the general caution is to test any new tool and verify attribution before you buy it.

Attribution is everything if you care about measuring your marketing!

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


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