Farewell, Maki

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Maki was born in April of 2001, presumably by a breeder trying for a pure Chartreux cat. I got her from the local animal shelter, the victim of a marketing problem – she had a small patch of white fur beneath her chin which made her, for show purposes, a sub-standard member of her breed. Whichever breeder created her was obviously angry about this and abused her before abandoning her to be found by one of the no-kill shelters in the area.

It took a very long time for her to get over her distrust of human beings, but she eventually did, and I hope that the remaining 11 years in a life of comfort, love, and satisfaction made up for the first few months of abuse. Maki died peacefully in her favorite cat bed with her toys nearby, no signs of illness or anything. She just stopped and moved along to her next life. As ways to leave this one go, that’s not bad at all.

As a Buddhist, I’m thankful to her for teaching that forgiveness is possible even with terrible crimes, and wish her a speedy and fortuitous rebirth. Certainly, the smiles, laughs, and love she helped to create with me and my family should contribute heavily in her favor and karma, even if she did kill a few mice along the way.


I hope to see you again soon, Maki. I’ll be on the lookout for a new kitten that seems familiar, likes matzah, and adores catnip.

For the rest of us still in this lifetime, Maki’s final lesson reminds us that we never have as much time as we need or want, so spend what you do have loving and being loved. Anything less is wasting a precious, irreplaceable resource.

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


20 responses to “Farewell, Maki”

  1. Love you Maki. Even though you hissed at me constantly as I fed you. You were a beautiful and quiet companion.

  2. Sorry for your loss, and wishes for a fast rebirth. : )

  3. Aprille_E Avatar

    Sorry to hear, Chris. Our first cat, Molson, went suddenly at age 9. We believe he still visits us on occasion, as we feel him land on the bed (and the other cats aren’t around). Thank you for giving Maki a good home.

  4. What a beautiful way to say goodbye, Chris. Thank you for sharing it with all of us.

  5. That was a lovely Chris – thanks for sharing the story and for adopting Maki in the first place.

  6. Stephanie Nelson Avatar
    Stephanie Nelson

    Sorry for your loss. I know this pain, and I know the wish for a kitten that seems familiar. My lovely Caroline passed at age 14 last September. For months, I missed her like crazy. Now, just 3 weeks ago, a kitten found her way to me that looks and acts JUST like Caroline, and my heart feels whole again. I truly hope you find the same.

    1. That’s heartening to hear 🙂

  7. Sorry to hear, Chris. She was lucky to have found such a great caregiver. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  8. My condolences, Chris. Maki looks so much like our Polly, who we rescued at the tender age of 8 wks and has grown to be every bit a feline as you can imagine. Not exactly a cuddly cat, she does manages to give us just enough attention to let us know that our love is mutual.

  9. Sorry for your loss Chris. Loosing a pet is never easy, especially one that has been around for so long and was loved so well.

  10. Every beloved pet deserves such a tender send-off- Thanks for sharing with all of us.

  11. Beautiful tribute And message Chris. The only certainty in life is the now and indeed despite issues and challenges we must be present and take the time to enjoy it – this is life. The very moment of now. 🙂

  12. What these little balls of fur can add to our lives, hmm? I wish you only the fondest memories of Maki and hope that her journey to your reintroduction is swift and smooth. My thoughts are with you, and I thank you for sharing yours.

  13. So sorry for your loss Chris.

  14. What a great tribute to your friend Christopher.

  15. They come into our lives, teach us beautiful lessons, and then quietly move on – kind of like Cosmic marshalls from the Old West. I look at my “rescue dog” and wonder just who rescued who?

  16. Well stated and thoughtful, doctor. I know the loss is a tough one.

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