Should I dust off the archives?

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

National Museum of American History

I was digging through the vast collection of newsletters I’ve sent out over the past 2 years and found, amazingly, that about 25% of the information in each newsletter is durable – that is, it’s still valid up to 2 years later. What’s unfortunate is that all of the content is locked away in my email service provider’s database (WhatCounts email marketing FTW). If you’ve been reading the newsletter and then deleting it after you’re done, you have no way of getting back issues. If you just subscribed, there’s also no way to get back issues.

So here’s my question for you. I can, with a whole heck of a lot of copy-pasting and editing, bring back the old newsletters as a set of eBooks, broken up quarterly. The first volume would probably summarize 2010 through summer 2011, since those were monthly until I switched to a weekly format. Then we’d have fall 2011 and winter 2011 compilations of the weeklies. Note that these would be compendiums, not individual newsletters!

What I’d ask is that you take this quick 3 question survey (with a bit of conditional logic) to let me know your opinion of this idea! If enough people say it’s worth doing at enough of a price point to hammer out the piece, I’ll publish it. If everyone says, no, we don’t really have any interest in that, I’ll just let the idea go back to bed.

If you don’t see a survey below, click here to view it on site.

Thanks in advance for taking a few moments to share your thoughts. I appreciate it.


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