Music to power your workday

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

I listen to a ton of music during the workday to help me power through stuff, especially when I need an extra boost of energy, creativity, or motivation. Since a number of people have asked, here are some of the albums I recommend. Most are either in foreign languages or lyric-free, because the language processing side of your brain is a serial processor. This means it can handle one language stream well, but can’t multiprocess well – so a song with lyrics that you understand is likely to slow you down and reduce your productivity, rather than boost it, if you’re doing anything else involving words (like email). As an added bonus, music without lyrics is guaranteed not to offend anyone in your workplace.

All of the albums are affiliate links that pay me a commission via (come on, did you expect any less?) Most of the albums are in MP3 format for any player including iTunes/iPod and anything that will support an MP3. Some are physical CDs.

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8 responses to “Music to power your workday”

  1. Hi Chris, cool post and good selection. Agree with the foreign lyrics being better. I listen to Sigur Rós when I need to focus. Chilled out Icelandic tunes 🙂 Also just got a Penguin Cafe Orchestra album from iTunes the other day and that is great for zoning out to, well recommended.

  2. Hi Chris, cool post and good selection. Agree with the foreign lyrics being better. I listen to Sigur Rós when I need to focus. Chilled out Icelandic tunes 🙂 Also just got a Penguin Cafe Orchestra album from iTunes the other day and that is great for zoning out to, well recommended.

  3. Lol Chris I think Tropico is one of my favorite games of all time. Did you play it? Sadly, I think most of what I learned about Macroeconomics was from Tropico. 🙂

  4. Music is the must for work. What I realized though is that it should preferably be in the language you don't know, so you focus on the work you do, not on the lyrics. And the type of music depends bery much on the type of job you have.

  5. Lol Chris I think Tropico is one of my favorite games of all time. Did you play it? Sadly, I think most of what I learned about Macroeconomics was from Tropico. 🙂

  6. Lol Chris I think Tropico is one of my favorite games of all time. Did you play it? Sadly, I think most of what I learned about Macroeconomics was from Tropico. 🙂

  7. Music is the must for work. What I realized though is that it should preferably be in the language you don't know, so you focus on the work you do, not on the lyrics. And the type of music depends bery much on the type of job you have.

  8. Music is the must for work. What I realized though is that it should preferably be in the language you don't know, so you focus on the work you do, not on the lyrics. And the type of music depends bery much on the type of job you have.

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