Whale of a fail, pure silly fun

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Anyone old enough to remember the classic Disney film 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea?

Got a whale of a FAIL to tell ya lads,
A whale of a FAIL or two
‘Bout the flying birds and tweeting herds
Of days and nights with endless nerds
A whale of a FAIL and it’s all true
I swear at FriendFeed too.

There was the robot all broken up
Upside down birds, no more tweeting
Was the romance poor? Was it 404?
Maybe it was simply fleeting.

Got a whale of a FAIL to tell ya now,
A whale of a FAIL or two
‘Bout the flying birds and tweeting herds
140 letters and real short words
A whale of a FAIL and it’s all true
Looks like Jaiku is down too.

You’ve hit the limit, no more follows
Can’t tell the world your sorrows
Your status blog updates rings hollow
Never mind, we’ll try again tomorrow

Got a whale of a FAIL to tell ya girls,
A whale of a FAIL or two
‘Bout the flying birds and tweeting herds
A business model would be absurd
A whale of a FAIL and it’s all true
At least the whale is cute.

The original:


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11 responses to “Whale of a fail, pure silly fun”

  1. That was awesome and appropriately depicting of all that has been going on with Twitter as of late!

    But I'm over it…I still prefer browsing my rss feeds than wasting time away it what can sometimes be nothing but noise (don't get me wrong, I'm not saying twitter is bad or anything like that)…

  2. That's just so wrong. And it's stuck in my head.

  3. That was awesome and appropriately depicting of all that has been going on with Twitter as of late!

    But I'm over it…I still prefer browsing my rss feeds than wasting time away it what can sometimes be nothing but noise (don't get me wrong, I'm not saying twitter is bad or anything like that)…

  4. That's just so wrong. And it's stuck in my head.

  5. This is totally FTW!

    (might I add that Plurk was also having issues yday?)

  6. This is totally FTW!

    (might I add that Plurk was also having issues yday?)

  7. Very nice.

  8. Very nice.

  9. I love the update, almost as much as i love the original version. I find it crazy just how many people don't remember that movie. I always thought it was a classic. Maybe i just reserve too much of my mental swap space for triva. Nicely done

  10. I love the update, almost as much as i love the original version. I find it crazy just how many people don't remember that movie. I always thought it was a classic. Maybe i just reserve too much of my mental swap space for triva. Nicely done

  11. I love the update, almost as much as i love the original version. I find it crazy just how many people don't remember that movie. I always thought it was a classic. Maybe i just reserve too much of my mental swap space for triva. Nicely done

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