Why politics makes me sick

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I’m exceptionally proud of the PodCamp Boston 3 community.

1,000 raised and donated to feed hungry kids in the greater Boston area.

According to the Greater Boston Food Bank, the agency we donated to, they can take that and provide more than two meals per dollar donated.

That means the PodCamp Boston 3 community, which earmarked the food for kids programs, has in effect fed over 2,000 kids in the Boston area.

America’s Second Harvest estimates that 35 million Americans are hungry or at significant risk of hunger. One in four is a child.

Providing food assistance to all of kids, basic assistance, would cost about3 billion per year.

The total amount spent on JUST the presidential election so far is $1,087,990,028. (source)

What do we have to show for it?

All those kids go to bed hungry at night still. No amount of lip service from Barack Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, or any of the other candidates is putting an ounce more food on the tables. Sure, it’s feeding the families of advertisers, marketers, PR folks, political spin masters, and campaign staff, but in terms of making an actual difference to the people that politicians are supposed to be serving?

Why politics makes me sick 1This is why, when asked, I don’t bother donating to political campaigns. Let the special interests waste their money on it. $25 could buy 7/100th of an inch of a full page ad in the New York Times, or it could buy a 30 pound bag of brown rice that could feed a child for a couple of months. That’s an easy choice – do the most good you can with scarce resources.

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