Tag: Politics
Regardless of what you think of (party) or (candidate) or (incumbent), regardless of how badly broken you think (political body) is or how corrupt (government process) is, go vote. Not sure who to vote for? Vote for people who support the things you support. If you like things more or less how they are now, the…
The genuine absence of leadership
Dear politicians: I have watched with interest, mostly feigned, at this season’s political advertising, and I applaud you for being incredibly effective in your attack ads, which seem to be 99% of your advertising spend. You have done an amazing job of convincing me of this simple fact: Not one of you corrupt morons should…
You are independent, right?
For my American friends, happy Independence Day! You are independent, right? You read multiple news sources from around the world, different nations, different viewpoints You read multiple different viewpoints in commentary, even writers whose politics and perspectives you disagree with You listen and watch trending topics in social media broadly as well as have a…
Want to influence China? Forget Olympic Torch Protests!
China’s power today is driven by economics first and foremost. Want to lead the charge, make a difference, influence their human rights policy? Forget the Olympics, forget Olympic Torch protests. The Olympics are symbolic, and while as a Buddhist, I certainly acknowledge and applaud any attention given to the plight of Tibet, protests will accomplish…