Category: Education

  • New eBook!

    Well gang, after much, much, much labor, data gathering, and reading the most awful documentation ever produced by mankind – from the US government – my new eBook, the 2009-2010 FAFSA Guide, is now published. It’s 47 pages of financial aid stuff about how to fill out the FAFSA, landmines to avoid, and tips especially…

  • Why you need 5 years at a job to be successful

    In reading Malcolm Gladwell’s new book, Outliers (advance release version, regular will be available November 18), one of the topics he brings up is the rule of 10,000 hours, from Daniel Levitin. Levitin cites that this is about 3 hours a day for 10 years, give or take. If you work 40 hours a week…

  • Hope, advisement, and Melissa Rakes

    One of the highlights of this past EASFAA conference was not at the conference at all, but in the bar after the Monday sessions. I had the good fortune to sit down with Melissa Rakes, an Ed.D. student looking at how advisement works, and we got to talking about one of my favorite things –…

  • A Chat with a Rich Kid

    In my work, I get the opportunity to talk to a lot of interesting people, as both part of the Financial Aid Podcast and PodCamp. Last year, while I was doing outreach for the podcast on MySpace, I got a chance to talk to a kid who has had a decidedly different educational experience than…

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