Attention to detail

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

I was traveling around Northrend the other day, looking for zombies to send to Amber Naslund for her Social Fresh St. Louis keynote – after all, there’s no place to find zombies like the Lich King’s backyard. On one of my stops at the Shadow Vault, I took the time to look at The Leaper, a (now) friendly geist hanging out along with Vile, the giant wandering abomination.

I noticed for the first time just how detailed The Leaper is. A large skeletal zombie of sorts with a single eye and a hangman’s noose around his neck, he’s the epitome of creepy – and even though I’d spent more than a few hours looking at him and his friends while finishing quests at the Shadow Vault, I’d never really noticed how detailed he was.

Attention to detail is one of those skills that we often are forced to develop in the workplace, and as a result, the skill is developed reactively, with only punitive feedback received for insufficient skill. We’re very rarely rewarded for its use and only punished for a lack of it. As a result, many of us – myself included – rarely make use of it outside of workplace routines to its fullest potential, and miss out on some of the enjoyment of our leisure time.

Take some time in your next burst of leisure time to see what you might be missing. Slow down, see what details there are in what you do for fun, and you might find your leisure to be much richer than you thought…

… and of course, the stealth move is that if you squeeze more juice out of your leisure time with attention to detail, chances are your skills in the workplace will magically accelerate, too.

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3 responses to “Attention to detail”

  1. Zombies? That's not how I pictured St. Louis. (Speaking of pictures, fantastic shot of the arch!)

  2. Zombies? That's not how I pictured St. Louis. (Speaking of pictures, fantastic shot of the arch!)

  3. Zombies? That's not how I pictured St. Louis. (Speaking of pictures, fantastic shot of the arch!)

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