Copying Sutras, Questioning Traditions

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In Buddhist monasteries, young monks are often made to practice the art of sutra copying. They’re given handwritten copies of sutras, or religious texts, and are made to copy the words and brushwork of master teachers onto new scrolls and books. These texts are often elaborate and beautifully written, sometimes in Sanskrit. Monks huddle over them and carefully replicate exactly what’s on the page so that the copy is as flawless as the original.

MFA Buddhist Art

In the Western world, there are similar practices. I remember giving a friend a mezuzah as a housewarming gift once. Mezuzah are tiny scrolls with a portion of the Torah inscribed by hand on them. The scrolls are placed inside a blessed container and hung on the doorway of a house for good fortune or to ward off evil. These mezuzah are meticulously copied by hand, with the belief that an improperly copied one transforms energy into bad luck rather than good luck.

In both examples, there are far more efficient and effective methods to accomplish the same result, a perfectly copied text. Simply take a digital camera or a word processor that can output Sanskrit or Hebrew and start making copies. You could copy the entirety of the Heart Sutra flawlessly just by repeatedly hitting copy / paste on your keyboard. You could mass print mezuzah even at absurdly small font sizes and still have them be perfect copies of scripture.

Of course, that isn’t what’s done. In fact, the respective practitioners of these spiritual practices would find the idea laughable at best and repugnant at worst. Just as there are times when it is wholly appropriate to stop doing what you’ve always done for the sake of tradition, there are also times when it’s vital to dig in and keep the old way intact. In the case of scripture copying, there’s the esoteric argument that only through the human hand can you capture the flavor and energy of the original text, much in the same way that no audio system perfectly replicates the experience of hearing the music performed live.

The more practical reason that these traditions exist is that it’s as much about learning the scriptures by heart as it is replicating data. If you were to hit copy/paste on the sutra, you could mindlessly replicate it without ever learning it. In contrast, monks are forced to learn them word for word, every subtlety and nuance, in order to make a perfect copy by hand.

When it comes to any significant or important practice that you’re doing, whether spiritual or in business, investigate it and question it! Learn why the practice exists as it does and what the underlying reasons for “doing it as it’s always been done” are. Sometimes there may be a valid reason to change the practice and make it more efficient, but sometimes there may be an equally valid reason to leave things exactly as they are.

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


2 responses to “Copying Sutras, Questioning Traditions”

  1. I wholly agree with everything you’ve said above. I read through The Bible in a year once, and I still don’t truly know more than I did before, except that I accomplished the feat.

    I don’t know whether or not doing this online had anything to do with the lack of my braincells retaining the info, however, it may have contributed to it. Maybe I should stop memorizing the same verses over and over…. 😉

  2. Hi Chris! Good post. I agree with your opinion. Keep updating.

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