Know when to skimp and when to splurge

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Know when to skimp and when to splurge

Have you ever noticed that people skimp on the strangest things?

For example, I moved into a new office complex at Blue Sky Factory and the new place had neither a coffeemaker nor a filtered water system. However, the new place has plenty of other expensive amenities like a giant office printer.

I’ve noticed this when people purchase electronics. They’ll spend thousands on a new laptop and then skimp on memory or drive space, two items that will make a giant difference in their experience with the laptop. They’ll commit to buying an iPhone or an Android and then will get the smallest, lowest cost amount of memory possible.

Photos from Washington DCI’ve noticed this at hotels, especially. Hotels will have 300 thread count sheets on the bed but will have sandpaper in the bathroom, making your stay there a literal pain in the ass.

Why do we skimp on some items and splurge on others?

I suspect it’s largely what gets our attention and what mindset we’re in when we’re making purchases. Toilet paper and coffee seem like commodities to us, while laptops and sheets may not be, at least not mentally. The more we buy of something, the less we may be inclined to pay attention to the quality of what we’re buying. The more mundane and unsexy something is – like toilet paper or laptop memory – the less we are inclined to pay attention to it.

The paradox is that some of these commodities make a bigger difference in the richness of our experiences than the highly focused items. I’d gladly take last year’s laptop stuffed full of memory and disk space over the latest and greatest machine that’s starved for operating resources. I’d gladly trade down a model of office printer for a coffeemaker or water filter on site – and I’d bet a company would generate far more productivity via the coffee machine than the copy machine. I’m more likely to stay at a hotel where the quality of experience is more even – nicer toilet paper, slightly rougher sheets (I can’t tell the difference between 200 thread count and 300 thread count, honestly) – rather than luxury sheets and a roughed up bottom.

Want to make a difference in your own life? Look at the nearly unconscious choices you make while spending and evaluate whether or not a slight upgrade could have a major but quiet impact on your quality of life. Some things won’t matter – generic , white label sugar at the grocery store is no different than Brand Name sugar. Some things will matter a great deal – a slightly better kind of coffee may taste MUCH better to you.

Here’s a relatively simple rule of thumb: the more you use it, the more you should invest in quality. If you’re buying a stereo, for example, and you plan to use it once a year, it probably won’t matter what you buy. If you plan to use it every day for 8 hours a day, buy a very nice stereo because crappy sound will make you feel worse rather than better. If you drink coffee once in a blue moon, buy any quality of coffee and coffeemaker. If you drink coffee several times daily, buy decent coffee and a good quality machine.

Look for opportunities to trade expenses as well. For example, at this office space, the employees (lacking access to a filtered water system) bring tons of bottled water and buy Starbucks every day. Rather than chew up money doing that, it makes much more sense to get a countertop pitcher that will filter water to a better quality than even bottled can deliver (you do know that 30% or more of bottled water is someone else’s municipal tap water, yes?) and brew your own higher quality coffee rather than drop $5 a cup to the coffee shop. No one loses out except the bottled water company and the corporate coffee shop.

Are you skimping and splurging in the right places for maximum quality of life on the same fixed budget?

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Know when to skimp and when to splurge 1 Know when to skimp and when to splurge 2 Know when to skimp and when to splurge 3

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15 responses to “Know when to skimp and when to splurge”

  1. CP –

    Love it – especially this point: “the more you use it, the more you should invest in quality.” My wife and I use to be that couple who skimped on the TP. We bought the Costco generic (Kirkland) brand. A few years ago we looked at each other and said, “what the heck are we doing here?” Ha ha. Now – the best.

    In a somewhat related example, we opted for the best of the best daycare for Baby Waldow Eva (starting in 1 week!). The truth is, we are dropping some serious cash already – what's an extra few hundred for the best? We'll make it up in the generic sugar…

    Great reminder, Chris.

    DJ Waldow
    Director of Community, Blue Sky Factory

  2. Sadly, many people don't realize that the RAM/Hard drive option is crucial to the user experience. If that little piece of knowledge were more prevalent, computers would not be such the In my own life experiences, I've learned to go with “what works for me.” If that means quality, then I go for it. If it means the generics work fine, then I leave it at that. I NEVER let the latest marketing gimmick or buzz determine a purchase or service decision.


  3. Thanks Chris, it really has made me think about what I'm skimping on, I'm certainly going to be looking at my expenses log a little closer next time !

  4. Hey Chris, this falls right in to the 'trading up' mentality. Look through the WalMart parking lot for Lexus and Mercedes, check out the number of iPhones on public transit, my office chair rocks but my desk cost me $50, etc.

    No doubt you've read “Trading Up: The New American Luxury” which was published in 2003 – long before the world discovered there was too much on the credit card. My suspicion is that we always have and always will be trading down on bathroom tissue so we can trade up on a grande latte with non-fat soy. Perhaps now we just need to be even more aware of those choices.

  5. CP –

    Love it – especially this point: “the more you use it, the more you should invest in quality.” My wife and I use to be that couple who skimped on the TP. We bought the Costco generic (Kirkland) brand. A few years ago we looked at each other and said, “what the heck are we doing here?” Ha ha. Now – the best.

    In a somewhat related example, we opted for the best of the best daycare for Baby Waldow Eva (starting in 1 week!). The truth is, we are dropping some serious cash already – what's an extra few hundred for the best? We'll make it up in the generic sugar…

    Great reminder, Chris.

    DJ Waldow
    Director of Community, Blue Sky Factory

  6. Christopher this is a great thought provoker.. it is amazing the trade offs that will be made in our experiences. It hits home how much people focus on appearances and not neccessarily the actual experience.

  7. Sadly, many people don't realize that the RAM/Hard drive option is crucial to the user experience. If that little piece of knowledge were more prevalent, computers would not be such the In my own life experiences, I've learned to go with “what works for me.” If that means quality, then I go for it. If it means the generics work fine, then I leave it at that. I NEVER let the latest marketing gimmick or buzz determine a purchase or service decision.


  8. Christopher this is a great thought provoker.. it is amazing the trade offs that will be made in our experiences. It hits home how much people focus on appearances and not neccessarily the actual experience.

  9. We moved into a new building about a year ago. We went cheap on the doors to individual offices. Now they don't close fully and unlatch themselves in the middle of meetings.

    It's a good thing we bought the $40 beverage trays in the conference rooms though. I will direct our Facilities folk to your blog post, Chris. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. We moved into a new building about a year ago. We went cheap on the doors to individual offices. Now they don't close fully and unlatch themselves in the middle of meetings.

    It's a good thing we bought the $40 beverage trays in the conference rooms though. I will direct our Facilities folk to your blog post, Chris. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Batman Avatar

    I've never really understood the need to pay for coffee at the local (fill in franchise name here). Making it at home is always the way to go. I'm on my 3rd pot today ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. just got done reading a great book – How We Decide – and making a purchase was one of the many things that confuses the brain. Choices overwhelm us – 100 different types of sugars, go with the one that makes us most comfortable – the brand name, same with toilet paper.

    We are not logical beings, we make decisions on emotion. Holding that iPhone will make me feel cool, I'll look cool. So what I got the smallest amount of memory.

    But the challenge is sometimes we have to trust our emotions and roll with it. Like a purchase of a couch. You can't just purchase the cheapest, or the most comfortable couch. It has to look good. Go with the other furniture. Fit in through the doorway. Fit the space. Maybe be stain resistant. Do you have pets or kids?

    It all comes down to as you put out being aware.

  13. just got done reading a great book – How We Decide – and making a purchase was one of the many things that confuses the brain. Choices overwhelm us – 100 different types of sugars, go with the one that makes us most comfortable – the brand name, same with toilet paper.

    We are not logical beings, we make decisions on emotion. Holding that iPhone will make me feel cool, I'll look cool. So what I got the smallest amount of memory.

    But the challenge is sometimes we have to trust our emotions and roll with it. Like a purchase of a couch. You can't just purchase the cheapest, or the most comfortable couch. It has to look good. Go with the other furniture. Fit in through the doorway. Fit the space. Maybe be stain resistant. Do you have pets or kids?

    It all comes down to as you put out being aware.

  14. Batman Avatar

    I've never really understood the need to pay for coffee at the local (fill in franchise name here). Making it at home is always the way to go. I'm on my 3rd pot today ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Batman Avatar

    I've never really understood the need to pay for coffee at the local (fill in franchise name here). Making it at home is always the way to go. I'm on my 3rd pot today ๐Ÿ™‚

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