Jonathan Zittrain's Random Acts of Kindness

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A great TED talk that’s worth your 18 minutes. Let it inspire you and make you laugh!

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Jonathan Zittrain's Random Acts of Kindness 1 Jonathan Zittrain's Random Acts of Kindness 2 Jonathan Zittrain's Random Acts of Kindness 3

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7 responses to “Jonathan Zittrain's Random Acts of Kindness”

  1. Great start to my Friday. Thanks, Chris for sharing! I watch a lot of speakers looking for the good, the bad, and the great. What I love about this guy is that he has what I'd say are the the 3 key characteristics of a great speaker.

    1. Uses humor effectively
    2. Knows his stuff
    3. Understands his audience.

    Love it. Again. Thanks for sharing.

    DJ Waldow
    Director of Community, Blue Sky Factory

  2. Dj's right… the best information in the world is useless if it can't be communicated well. Thanks for sharing that video!

  3. Great start to my Friday. Thanks, Chris for sharing! I watch a lot of speakers looking for the good, the bad, and the great. What I love about this guy is that he has what I'd say are the the 3 key characteristics of a great speaker.

    1. Uses humor effectively
    2. Knows his stuff
    3. Understands his audience.

    Love it. Again. Thanks for sharing.

    DJ Waldow
    Director of Community, Blue Sky Factory

  4. Dj's right… the best information in the world is useless if it can't be communicated well. Thanks for sharing that video!

  5. Thanks for sharing Zittrain's video on Random Acts of Kindness, Chris….as always, your blog is always hitting different angles. Great!

  6. Thanks for sharing Zittrain's video on Random Acts of Kindness, Chris….as always, your blog is always hitting different angles. Great!

  7. Thanks for sharing Zittrain's video on Random Acts of Kindness, Chris….as always, your blog is always hitting different angles. Great!

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