Compare 2 videos – TU-154 vs. Boeing 757

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

The crash in Qazvin, Iran (July 15, 2009):

Flight 93, Pennsylvania (September 11, 2001):

Bear in mind the plane that crashed in Iran was a TU-154, roughly the same size as a Boeing 727 (slightly larger). 157ft long, MTOW 220,000 lbs.

The Boeing 757 is is 155ft long, MTOW 255,000 lbs.

Shouldn’t the Flight 93 impact site show roughly similar characteristics as the TU-154 site? Anyone with aerospace engineering credentials, please comment.

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4 responses to “Compare 2 videos – TU-154 vs. Boeing 757”

  1. whitneyhoffman Avatar

    I have no aerospace credentials, but I would imagine since the hijackers purposely picked long distance flights, newly fully loaded with fuel for maximum explosive effect, and the Iran flight was more “local”, the fuel differential alone could be part of the difference.

  2. whitneyhoffman Avatar

    I have no aerospace credentials, but I would imagine since the hijackers purposely picked long distance flights, newly fully loaded with fuel for maximum explosive effect, and the Iran flight was more “local”, the fuel differential alone could be part of the difference.

  3. I have no aerospace credentials, but I would imagine since the hijackers purposely picked long distance flights, newly fully loaded with fuel for maximum explosive effect, and the Iran flight was more “local”, the fuel differential alone could be part of the difference.

  4. whitneyhoffman Avatar

    I have no aerospace credentials, but I would imagine since the hijackers purposely picked long distance flights, newly fully loaded with fuel for maximum explosive effect, and the Iran flight was more “local”, the fuel differential alone could be part of the difference.

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