If you're new here…

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… be sure to check out the Quotes page. It’s a slowly growing compilation of things I learn, hear, read, etc. that resonate, little pieces of profound knowledge that help me.

Profound knowledge, as defined by Anthony Robbins, is knowledge that is quickly and easily transmitted, but life-altering. Once you get it, you can never go back to being the person you used to be. One of my favorite examples of profound knowledge is the rule of thirds in photography.

Look at your viewfinder on your digital camera. Imagine a tic-tac-toe grid on it. Line up your pictures to put the subjects at the intersections of the lines.

Instantly, your photography changes – once you understand the concept, you can’t ever go back to the person you were just moments ago. That’s profound knowledge.

The quotes page is a place where I store the pieces as I find them.


4 responses to “If you're new here…”

  1. if i recall correctly from my art school days, the old rule of thirds is more commonly (and somewhat more glamorously) known as the ‘golden section’. My old tutor will now turn in his grave when he knows I remembered something 😉

  2. if i recall correctly from my art school days, the old rule of thirds is more commonly (and somewhat more glamorously) known as the ‘golden section’. My old tutor will now turn in his grave when he knows I remembered something 😉

  3. Chris
    Here are two additions I would like to add.

    1) (Especially for your demographic)

    “Dont be silly cover your Willy”

    2) Something we would say to each other in basketball practice in college when the practice was getting long and you started to slow down. Works on anything you need to put extra effort in to get a payoff in the end.

    “Don’t cheat yourself, treat yourself!”

    Thanks for the list of quotes.


    Mike McAllen
    Grass Shack Events & Media

  4. Chris
    Here are two additions I would like to add.

    1) (Especially for your demographic)

    “Dont be silly cover your Willy”

    2) Something we would say to each other in basketball practice in college when the practice was getting long and you started to slow down. Works on anything you need to put extra effort in to get a payoff in the end.

    “Don’t cheat yourself, treat yourself!”

    Thanks for the list of quotes.


    Mike McAllen
    Grass Shack Events & Media

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