So about those podcasting associations…

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So about those podcasting associations…

… with Tim Bourquin’s Podcast Expo coming up, I’ve gotten no less than six emails in the past week (names withheld to protect the guilty) asking me either what I thought of the ADM and APOMP, ADM vs. APOMP, etc., both as a podcaster and as that PodCamp guy along with Mr. Brogan.

Short version: I’m waiting to see. Until I get a chance to study what these two organizations are doing, I can’t offer a valid opinion. I do think podcasting needs standards, but I also think podcasting needs to move away from the pageviews/downloads mindset and towards metrics that count – funded student loans for me, maybe speaking gigs for Mitch Joel, maybe Webinar opportunities for Bryan Person, etc. At the end of the day, whose name will be on the paycheck or accounts receivables?

Ultimately, if podcasting is to be a valid vehicle for business, it needs to have more than just eyeballs as a metric. The last time folks tried that was 1999, and we all know how that ended.


2 responses to “So about those podcasting associations…”

  1. That’s just it: I think the notion of a better measurement is a good idea. You might remember that the folks from Libsyn and others were noodling on this at PodCamp Pittsburgh the 1st, as well.

    I haven’t weighed in on the particular associations, as I think they are populated by smart, committed people, and that these people all have an interest in making sure podcasting is better served in the world. I believe they have good ideas in mind.

    I just haven’t been fighting that fight. It’s partly because of what you listed, the “right metric for me.” Or for businesses I want to help out. I haven’t decided that 2,000,000 downloads is worth anything when you’ve proven that 20,000 completed applications is worth more.

    So that’s what’s on my mind there. So far.

  2. That’s just it: I think the notion of a better measurement is a good idea. You might remember that the folks from Libsyn and others were noodling on this at PodCamp Pittsburgh the 1st, as well.

    I haven’t weighed in on the particular associations, as I think they are populated by smart, committed people, and that these people all have an interest in making sure podcasting is better served in the world. I believe they have good ideas in mind.

    I just haven’t been fighting that fight. It’s partly because of what you listed, the “right metric for me.” Or for businesses I want to help out. I haven’t decided that 2,000,000 downloads is worth anything when you’ve proven that 20,000 completed applications is worth more.

    So that’s what’s on my mind there. So far.

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