Podcasting Goes Mainstream

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Podcasting has gone mainstream.

How do I know?

Sunday morning televangelists are encouraging viewers to subscribe to their podcasts.

Podcasting goes mainstream

Welcome to the revolution, guys and gals.


10 responses to “Podcasting Goes Mainstream”

  1. ARGGG did it have to happen like this?

  2. ARGGG did it have to happen like this?

  3. You call it mainstreaming… I call it a huge step backwards. 😉

  4. I feel dirty somehow…

  5. I feel dirty somehow…

  6. You call it mainstreaming… I call it a huge step backwards. 😉

  7. Isn’t this the progression…once the religious folks get it rolling then the porn will really start in on it – then mainstream will mainline it.

  8. Isn’t this the progression…once the religious folks get it rolling then the porn will really start in on it – then mainstream will mainline it.

  9. Hey, my friend Jeanne tells me you can get your Soaps by podcast, too.

  10. Hey, my friend Jeanne tells me you can get your Soaps by podcast, too.

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