Music for a 7 year old

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

Young Aidan Hatch has managed to create another round of blog tag, asking for 7 songs we like. I got this via Chris Brogan, and had to give it some thought. If I were a parent of a 7 year old online, I’d probably NOT want to see people recommending songs that frankly, as a parent, I’d not want my child to listen to, so here are 7 songs for a 7 year old that are podsafe.

Aidan, if you read this, please remember this simple thing: independent music is the best thing there is, and music from an RIAA record label may cause your mom and dad to get sued and then you’ll be living homeless on the streets, and that would be sad. The only surefire way to protect yourself is to never listen to music from any RIAA label or artist, no matter how cool the other kids at school think they are. Share with them the music YOU will learn about in this blog tag game.

People I tag: C.C. Chapman, Eric Skiff, Ed Roberts, Karen Cardoza, and pretty much all of my Twitter followers. The rules – please link back to Aidan, Chris Brogan, and this post.


12 responses to “Music for a 7 year old”

  1. […] you’re tagged, you link to everyone in the chain in your entry, including this post, Mrs. B, Chris Penn, Chris Brogan, and Aidan […]

  2. […] people are: Steve Klassen, Aaron, Dan & CJ, Alyssa, Daryl N. Cognito, Mrs. B, Chris Penn, Chris Brogan, and Aidan […]

  3. You didn’t tag me, but can I still play?

  4. You didn’t tag me, but can I still play?

  5. […] are that you need to indicate the people in your chain so Aidan Hatch, Chris Brogan, Chris Penn, Chris Brogan, and Mrs.B. Then include this post when you tag the next […]

  6. Gosh, difficult question, my son is just 3 years old, may be any type of classic songs? Difficult.

  7. Gosh, difficult question, my son is just 3 years old, may be any type of classic songs? Difficult.

  8. Very true! Independent music is definitely the best out there!

  9. Very true! Independent music is definitely the best out there!

  10. It’s nice to see good advice being given out!

  11. It’s nice to see good advice being given out!

  12. my little brother really likes superhero music so i found a soundtrack of all the superheroes music on one cd.

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