Bum Rush Update

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

iTunes finally updated – the consensus seems to be that the charts were delayed due to AppleTV’s release and subsequent traffic storm to the iTunes store.

US Rock #11
US Overall #99
Canada Rock #10
Canada Overall #53

Netherlands Rock # 2
Sweden Rock #7
Germany Rock #12
Germany #73 Overall

Holland #15 Overall
Norway #55 Overall
Norway Rock #10


9 responses to “Bum Rush Update”

  1. Amazing work, Mr. P! Loved your interview with CC on Managing the Gray as well!

  2. Another random fact while browsing results – iTunes Japan has a variable rate for pop singles. Tetai Kansoku by Bump of Chicken is 200Y, Aqua Timez 150Y. Of course, who wouldn’t pay more for Bump Chicken?

  3. The AppleTV release is a possibility, but I would imagine that the iTunes music store would have taken a much more substantial hit after Christmas, and I don’t know if the charts died at that point.

    I’m willing to give Apple the benefit of doubt. I know several people emailed the music store folks at Apple 3 or 4 hours before the charts started rolling again. Could it just be coincidence, and we simply alerted them to the fact the charts were down? Maybe…

    I wonder if there is SOME way to get the charts for Thursday evening and Friday morning/midday. They’re not calculated on a daily average, but I know from watching Podsafe Christmas, that a day DOES make a substantial difference.

  4. Amazing work, Mr. P! Loved your interview with CC on Managing the Gray as well!

  5. Another random fact while browsing results – iTunes Japan has a variable rate for pop singles. Tetai Kansoku by Bump of Chicken is 200Y, Aqua Timez 150Y. Of course, who wouldn’t pay more for Bump Chicken?

  6. The AppleTV release is a possibility, but I would imagine that the iTunes music store would have taken a much more substantial hit after Christmas, and I don’t know if the charts died at that point.

    I’m willing to give Apple the benefit of doubt. I know several people emailed the music store folks at Apple 3 or 4 hours before the charts started rolling again. Could it just be coincidence, and we simply alerted them to the fact the charts were down? Maybe…

    I wonder if there is SOME way to get the charts for Thursday evening and Friday morning/midday. They’re not calculated on a daily average, but I know from watching Podsafe Christmas, that a day DOES make a substantial difference.

  7. […] So here we are. Bum Rush The Charts has come and gone, and the initial results are in. […]

  8. […] could include more of a press campaign, not just a couple of press releases (great effort by Christopher Penn et al though, and I got BusinessWeek’s blog to weigh in this first time)– I’m […]

  9. […] could include more of a press campaign, not just a couple of press releases (great effort by Christopher Penn et al though, and I got BusinessWeek’s blog to weigh in this first time)– I’m […]

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