Category: Customer Service
Mind Readings: Are You Serving Your Loyal Customers?
In today’s episode, you’ll discover the secret to long-term business success: prioritizing customer retention over acquisition. You’ll learn actionable strategies to reward your loyal customers and keep them coming back for more. I’ll share how to create exclusive content and experiences that foster a thriving community around your brand. Tune in to find out how…
You Ask, I Answer: Monthly Client Retainers for Long Term Projects?
Sarah asks, “How do you get clients to renew on a monthly basis when, at the same time, you need to convince them on the “long game” aspect of your effort with them as an agency?” Can’t see anything? Watch it on YouTube here. Listen to the audio here: Download the MP3 audio here. Machine-Generated…
Sometimes The Customer Is Dangerously Wrong
“The customer is always right.” For over a century since Harry Gordon Selfridge coined it, we’ve been stuck with this platitude, and it can be dangerously wrong for the health of our businesses. It had its place. After all, businesses even today are insanely self-centered, and tend to put themselves and their needs first before…
You Ask, I Answer: Measuring Brand Trust?
Stephanie asks, “When it comes to building trust, how do we know what success looks like? How can we measure it?” Trust is a tricky thing to measure because it’s such a core of emotion. If you examine emotional theory, especially things like Plutchik’s wheel of emotions, trust is a fundamental survival emotion. How do…
5 Takeaways from Comcast CX Technology Day
I had the opportunity to attend Comcast’s CX Technology Day at the invitation of Jay Baer and the team at Convince and Convert. CX Day is Comcast’s highlighting of what they’re working and some of the challenges they’ve overcome to improve their overall customer experience. In their digital transformation, which has been and will continue…
You Ask, I Answer: Preparing for Client Meetings?
Amber asks, “How do you prepare for client meetings/calls when presenting deliverables? I tend to write down everything that I want to say as my thoughts get murky and I tend to stumble over my words. Is that juvenile? What is the best way to prepare?” A few steps make this easier over time. First,…
You Ask, I Answer: How to Use AI for Customer Service?
Amy asks, “How can we use AI to improve customer service? What are some ways to practically implement it?” Customer service is everything from the purchase onwards in the customer journey, and companies are faced with dual mandates: make service better, but make service cheaper. What are some practical applications of AI? The keys will…
You Ask, I Answer: Local Value-Added Reseller Marketing
Ava asks, “How can a local reseller market effectively against entrenched brands and big box stores?” Local resellers – like plumbing supply, home decor, electronics, appliance showrooms, etc. – fit in the category of value-added reseller. The key is the value-added part – a reseller is typically more expensive than a big box retail store…
You Ask, I Answer: What is Customer Experience?
Adam asks, “What is customer experience? Is it the same as customer service?” Modern customer experience management, as a discipline and a profession, is an amalgamation and evolution of four sub-disciplines: Voice of the Customer (1993) Design Thinking and UX Analytics, AI, and Big Data Champions and Defenders Watch the video for full details and…
You Ask, I Answer: Should You Deploy a Chatbot?
Hamid asks, “Should my business deploy a chatbot for marketing and customer service? What are the reasons or risks?” Chatbots – and any form of automation – promise a programmatic, uniform customer experience. There are two considerations for making this decision: Cost to match the current customer experience Quality of the current customer experience Watch…