Politicians NEED Illegal Immigrants

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Politicians Need Illegal Immigrants

Why, you ask, do politicians need illegal immigrants? Simple: economics. Illegal immigrants don’t show up in labor statistics or the official work force. Thus:

– when the economy is good, illegal immigrants provide a labor boost, increasing productivity without increasing official payrolls. Illegal immigrants also don’t get health insurance or any other benefits, making them the cheapest labor for companies. Politicians can claim credit for economic improvements on their watch.

– when the economy is bad, illegal immigrants can be terminated from the work force quickly and invisibly. They cannot claim unemployment and they do not show up in unemployment reports; as a result, politicians can claim that an economic downturn is not as severe because jobless claims didn’t increase very much.

– illegal immigrants cannot vote. A politician can continue to disenfranchise illegal immigrants with no political consequences because there’s no voting repercussions.

Given that the current status of illegal immigrants provides multiple positive incentives for politicians and few negative ones, is it any wonder that progress on a pathway to citizenship has not been made?


10 responses to “Politicians NEED Illegal Immigrants”

  1. As clever as your commentary is, the best reason I can think of that there hasn’t been a pathway to citizenship is because the people are here ILLEGALLY.

    Having said that, I do believe that we need to make provisions to allow more immigration (or just take over Mexico). I’d also like to see a higher minimum wage – but I think that would encourage more companies to bring workers in illegally.

  2. phillymac Avatar

    As clever as your commentary is, the best reason I can think of that there hasn’t been a pathway to citizenship is because the people are here ILLEGALLY.

    Having said that, I do believe that we need to make provisions to allow more immigration (or just take over Mexico). I’d also like to see a higher minimum wage – but I think that would encourage more companies to bring workers in illegally.

  3. A thoughtful, although cynical analysis. I also think there’s too much fear about being labeled “sympathetic” by voters back home.

    We should be supporting legislation that promotes free markets – and hence a workable solution that legally allows Mexicans to come and go and WORK as they please, and stop spending ridiculous amounts of money on plans that won’t realistically solve the issue. As long as it is profitable for THEM to work here (the opportunity for higher wages here outweighs the risk of being caught) no fence will fix this issue. Legalize it, regulate it, and adapt it to the market’s needs.

  4. A thoughtful, although cynical analysis. I also think there’s too much fear about being labeled “sympathetic” by voters back home.

    We should be supporting legislation that promotes free markets – and hence a workable solution that legally allows Mexicans to come and go and WORK as they please, and stop spending ridiculous amounts of money on plans that won’t realistically solve the issue. As long as it is profitable for THEM to work here (the opportunity for higher wages here outweighs the risk of being caught) no fence will fix this issue. Legalize it, regulate it, and adapt it to the market’s needs.

  5. By not stopping the companies who hire illegal immigrants, and only focus on the day laborers on the street corners, the corporate media has effectively taken the heat off the rich who exploit the immigrants, imho

  6. By not stopping the companies who hire illegal immigrants, and only focus on the day laborers on the street corners, the corporate media has effectively taken the heat off the rich who exploit the immigrants, imho

  7. Thank you for rising above all of the other idiots out there and presenting cold, hard, and actually useful facts.

  8. Thank you for rising above all of the other idiots out there and presenting cold, hard, and actually useful facts.

  9. Thank you for rising above all of the other idiots out there and presenting cold, hard, and actually useful facts.

  10. Thank you for rising above all of the other idiots out there and presenting cold, hard, and actually useful facts.

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