Since we're on the topic of voting in podcasting…

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

PodCamp NYC Photos… please take a moment to vote for someone who is NOT a podcaster. My friend and musician Natalie Gelman is competing in the Famecast competition as a finalist. She’s podsafe, has been since just after PodCamp Boston 1, and has been a great supporter of podcasting and new media since her introduction to it.

What’s at stake? Among other things, $10,000 in cash, which for a young independent musician is a Very Big Deal ™. Podcasting’s abuzz with the various podcast award voting sessions running right now, and I applaud everyone who’s been nominated, but if you can spare a few minutes away from voting in the podosphere, please register at and then vote for Natalie Gelman.

Voting concludes August 7th, so please vote before then.


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