Amazing builds in Second Life

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

I was sailing around the SLuniverse this evening, and found myself in the midst of a HUGE build. Someone is constructing a Nova class starship inside of Second Life – complete with blueprints, floorplans, etc. The attention to detail is AMAZING. Take a look:

Adventures in Second Life

Adventures in Second Life

Adventures in Second Life

With builds this high quality, machinema inside of SL is a no-brainer.


6 responses to “Amazing builds in Second Life”

  1. Joe Harrell Avatar
    Joe Harrell

    Way too cool. Where was this at, could you post a surl?

  2. Joe Harrell Avatar
    Joe Harrell

    Way too cool. Where was this at, could you post a surl?

  3. An updated version has been in the works, it has an improved bridge with tweaked textures. The improvements really show what a few extra textures and primes can really do to improve a work.

  4. Do a check for the USS MERIDIAN, you will find it. Or just ask me, in game =P

  5. An updated version has been in the works, it has an improved bridge with tweaked textures. The improvements really show what a few extra textures and primes can really do to improve a work.

  6. Do a check for the USS MERIDIAN, you will find it. Or just ask me, in game =P

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