Category: Business

  • Transforming People, Process, and Technology

    We often hear management consultants reference the phrase, “People, Process, Technology” as a way of explaining the critical success factors for organizational change. In an era of automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, does this model still apply? A Brief History of People, Process, and Technology The phrase “People, Process, and Technology” originates from Harold…

  • Remember the Business Lessons of the Pandemic

    In the early spring of 2020, we as a human civilization entered probably the most disruptive period since World War 2. As the pandemic slowly winds down thanks to vaccination programs, I thought it would be worthwhile to take a quick look back at the early days for some interesting lessons, especially before they fade…

  • What is Thought Leadership?

    Ask 100 different people what thought leadership is and you’re likely to get 200 different answers. When I worked at a PR agency, thought leadership was almost a sacred term, something either mentioned reverently or desperately coveted. But no one ever really spent a whole lot of time defining it, giving it parameters, so when…

  • Best Practices for Public Speaking Pages

    The topic of public speaking pages and speaking kits has come up repeatedly in recent times. What makes for a great public speaking page? What are the general best practices for a public speaking page? The Goal of a Public Speaking Page What is the business goal of your public speaking page? Though it may…

  • You Ask, I Answer: Merging Liberal Arts with Computer Science?

    Mbeiza asks, “Merging Liberal arts with science helps make what one has to offer unique. How can I merge the liberal arts with what I want to do in order to have a unique skill or product to offer?” Fundamentally, a successful marketer has to be both qualitative and quantitative – the ability to be…

  • You Ask, I Answer: Long-Term Career Planning?

    Heidi asks, “ published a list of top 10 careers to stay employed through 2030 including Socially Distanced Office Designer and Virtual Events Planner. What do you make of their predictions?” The careers listed are too short term. They’re pandemic-centric, and while the pandemic will be with us for a couple of years, it won’t…

  • No Excuse for Lack of Leadership Diversity

    The pandemic has changed many things, but one of the things it changed most for white-collar office workers was disabuse companies of the notion that working from home was an impossibility. We have proven that it is possible for business to get done using only virtual tools. It may not be as efficient, and it…

  • You Ask, I Answer: Small Business Recovery Advice?

    Michelle asks, “If you could give one piece of advice to small businesses as they prepare for the recovery, what would it be?” This is more of an economics question than a marketing one. In the Great Recession, the single most important thing for any business was cash flow. Positive cash flow meant you stayed…

  • You Ask, I Answer: Scheduling Availability When Working From Home?

    Sarah asks, “QUESTION: WITH SO MANY OF US WORKING FROM HOME RIGHT NOW, HOW DO YOU COMMUNICATE AVAILABILITY TO YOUR CLIENTS AND SET EXPECTATIONS ON RESPONSE TIME?” Use great calendaring software that offers allocated blocks of time. You set your working hours first, then set up what size windows you want to offer. Your calendaring…

  • You Ask, I Answer: IP Ownership of Assets at Work?

    Sydney asks, “So I was let go from my job on Thursday due to budget cuts stemming from events being cancelled in all this craziness. I was wondering- what is the usual protocol in transferring creative materials? Like if I made the templates and took the photos, do I own them? Or are they company…

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