Watch this video from PodCamp NYC

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

The background: individual sponsor tables were set up by PodCamp NYC organizers so that sponsors could share what they had to offer with the community.

This particular lifecasting crew decided that they’d set up shop on a sponsor’s table (having not sponsored themselves) and when asked to leave so that the sponsor could set up, reacted… well, watch the video.


The result, of course, is what you saw above.

Whitney did a superb job managing PodCamp NYC and meeting the expectations of the sponsors – without whom there would have been no PodCamp NYC, period. For this particular group of folks from to behave as they did was inappropriate at best.

Food for thought:

We were pleased and happy to have Michael Geoghagan and Tim Bourquin from Podcast Academy and New Media Expo, respectively, at PodCamp NYC. In the world of new media, reputation is everything, and in this case, a lifecasting crew from has demonstrated why “pro” events like NME might not want folks like this at their events.

Food for thought:

It’s very easy to behave irresponsibly when you have absolutely no investment in an event or in the community which you ostensibly belong to. After watching this video, I’m tempted to INCREASE the price of ticketing for events like PodCamp Boston to ensure that participants, if they lack an understanding of the social contract of a free event (for participants, not sponsors) like PodCamp NYC, at least understand the financial contract of paying to attend, and the financial consequences of being asked to leave.

New media community: prove me wrong. Prove that this crowd is the exception rather than the norm, that the community is wholly capable of self-policing and self-sanctioning itself, so that organizers can focus on bringing great experiences to you and not having to play parenting to the minority that chooses to willfully act badly. Prove that the new media community is capable of actively managing itself so that ticket prices for events like PodCamp don’t have to be financially onerous just so it’s clear what the value being provided is.

Please leave your comments here and on your own blogs and podcasts.


73 responses to “Watch this video from PodCamp NYC”

  1. I’m not involved enough to debate the price of Podcamp. What I do know, however, is that people get what they give. Taking advantage of another person’s hard work for personal gain, especially in an immature way, goes a long way toward damaging one’s brand – and even his or her karma, if you’re into that sort of thing.

    I am.

  2. I wonder if that guy would pay to go to a podcamp? (Let alone purchase a table)

    This is just lame, not only does he state that he is stealing the table, but then he complains because he is booted. Doesn’t the admission that you are steeling usually mean that you don’t get to complain about it?

  3. Not supporting this Smojo guy, just revealing my ignorance. He walked over to an unmanned computer and posted 1:16 of video? Is that all he did? Did he power it up? I’d hate to hear later that he used my >$1000 machine without my asking, but was anything broken? Obviously, I’m missing a point. Please elucidate.

  4. As you know, I’ve long been an advocate of making the contract a little more two sided. If it means charging people some price to get them to come, rather than RSVP’ing, and then leaving the organizers with an event that’s 1/3 the size they expected, I’m all for it.

    Even with an admission fee, you will still get children who don’t know how to behave at events.

    This kind of behavior is an insult, and a stain on our community. They actually called Whitney names on their blog for pointing out to them (quite nicely, I might add) that they are THIEVES!

    You have to register for their site to leave a comment there, and I won’t do that. Good for you, Chris for calling them out on it.

    When idiots and jerks behave badly, most good people just cluck their tongues and do nothing. I think that’s a mistake. It takes a few good people like you to stand up for what’s right, and then you’ll quickly see that the majority won’t tolerate it. They’re just all afraid of being the first to speak up.

    These “lifecasters” are supposedly trying to make new media a full time job. They won’t succeed with antics like these.

  5. It is a sad and unfortunate thing when members of the larger community do not respect the very community in which they are part of.

    As tempting as it is though to deal with this problem by raising prices enough to make it a real financial consequence for people who act out, it would also undermine the accessibility of a lot of the podcamp community at large to attend. I wouldn’t be able to justify the costs and I would have far less cost involved since Boston would be local to me. It would splinter the community to those that could be sponsored via work, etc and others of us that would have to settle at maybe getting a chance to interact at coinciding meetup.

    I saw some of the effects of something similar (but for different reasons) at BarCamp Austin and SXSW. The localized Austin community, who obviously still had tons to contribute and say really were not visible as much in the larger SXSW event. But just 5 minutes away you got a glimpse of that at BarCamp and in attending Barcamp and talking to other attendees…most couldn’t afford to attend the larger SXSW event.

    I agree that behavior like this is unacceptable and puts a burden on the very organizers we all have to thank for the tons and tons of hard work put into podcamp and other type events. (Thanks & hugs Whitney!)

    I guess my answer to this lies in not how can we exclude the problem…but how can I help with it. I see this falling to the responsibility of the community at large, all of us taking pride and stepping in where needed. Whether that means lending a hand to the organizers as extra event staff to help monitor and facilitate or even just having the conviction of doing what is best for the group and event and speaking up to offenders when something isn’t quite right like in this situation.


  6. After watching the video, I do agree this guy may have acted inappropriately. He did set up in a spot that he wasn’t supposed to, and if he did use someone elses laptop to do this, that’s just wrong, and invasion of private property.

    What really got me was his whole attitutde towards it. He was giggling to himself at first, then with a “I don’t care” attitude said he “pirated the table”. He knew from the get-go what he did was wrong, because he was doing something that he thought he could get away with. If it was an honest mistake then I can excuse the guy, but since his attitude was like that, he really disrespected

    That’s my thoughts on it.

  7. Oh, I got it now. What he did was not only steal computer time but steal table time as a “sponsor”. I didn’t read carefully, and walking by the table, I had no idea myself. And the owner of the computer has protested. Got it. Don’t mind me.

  8. If you watch the other JTV video where they’re setting up, he says, “we basically just stole the table.” That’s simply rude. Sponsors pay a price to showcase there.

    Regarding the PodCamp: Boston3 charge, I’m not for it. As a knowledge provider, I love going to PodCamps to impart some information to podcasters who are doing this for the love of it (or money or both). More often than not, they don’t have the resources to spend on “pro” conferences, so charging — I believe — will eliminate a lot of this grass-roots base.

  9. Let me be crystal clear–sponsors at PodCampNYC pay $500 in cash or in-kind sponsorships to get a table. These folks didn’t. I knew they didn’t and had hoped to chat about it after the event. Posting a blog that says they hijacked a table and shooting this footage dissing Whitney Hoffman is beyond shitty. They snubbed all the other sponsors who did pay, flaunted the fact that they were breaking the ethics of Podcamp sponsors in general, and were selfish to a point I have literally never encountered before in new media.

    I’d call for a boycott of their material or whatever, but that would feed the fire and I don’t want one person’s actions to reflect at large. Suffice to say, however, unless we hear from Steve and work something out soon, I’ll post on the PodCampNYC blog about this as a lesson for how NOT to treat real sponsors, Podcamp organizers, and the community in general.

  10. Let me be crystal clear–sponsors at PodCampNYC pay $500 in cash or in-kind sponsorships to get a table. These folks didn’t. I knew they didn’t and had hoped to chat about it after the event. Posting a blog that says they hijacked a table and shooting this footage dissing Whitney Hoffman is beyond shitty. They snubbed all the other sponsors who did pay, flaunted the fact that they were breaking the ethics of Podcamp sponsors in general, and were selfish to a point I have literally never encountered before in new media.

    I’d call for a boycott of their material or whatever, but that would feed the fire and I don’t want one person’s actions to reflect at large. Suffice to say, however, unless we hear from Steve and work something out soon, I’ll post on the PodCampNYC blog about this as a lesson for how NOT to treat real sponsors, Podcamp organizers, and the community in general.

  11. Hear Hear, John!

  12. Hear Hear, John!

  13. It would be sad to have the price of future podcamps be raised because of the immaturity of a few. Besides the fact that a number of people may find it beyond their means to attend, it also just sucks to have to be “punished” for someone else’s silliness.

    I however believe that participants should foot a bit of the podcamp bill, and for that reason I’m not a bit bothered that podcamp boston has a 50. I understand that lots of people who attend do not have the resources to spend on a “pro” conference, but i’m sure that they can spare50 to support a cause we’re all in together! Long Live Podcamp! LONG LIVE NEW MEDIA!!!

  14. It would be sad to have the price of future podcamps be raised because of the immaturity of a few. Besides the fact that a number of people may find it beyond their means to attend, it also just sucks to have to be “punished” for someone else’s silliness.

    I however believe that participants should foot a bit of the podcamp bill, and for that reason I’m not a bit bothered that podcamp boston has a 50. I understand that lots of people who attend do not have the resources to spend on a “pro” conference, but i’m sure that they can spare50 to support a cause we’re all in together! Long Live Podcamp! LONG LIVE NEW MEDIA!!!

  15. Outside of ignoring Justin.TV I really don’t think that the price should be raised for PodCamp.

    What raising the price does is essentially the same as wrapping something in DRM. You’re not going to shut out the people that you’re attempting to, and the only people you’re hurting are the unexperienced. I highly doubt that the people that I met with little to no podcasting experience would have attended PodCampNYC. The idiots will always attend. If they weren’t inside they would have been outside doing the same crap.

    The extreme downside of raising prices would be making money off the idiocy that happens. And when it happens, then what? The prices get raised again? The price of conferences is why unconferences started happening to begin with. I doubt that any of us will be using in the future and this alone will probably be enough.

    Please find a different method of “punishment” that doesn’t hurt the rest of us.

  16. Outside of ignoring Justin.TV I really don’t think that the price should be raised for PodCamp.

    What raising the price does is essentially the same as wrapping something in DRM. You’re not going to shut out the people that you’re attempting to, and the only people you’re hurting are the unexperienced. I highly doubt that the people that I met with little to no podcasting experience would have attended PodCampNYC. The idiots will always attend. If they weren’t inside they would have been outside doing the same crap.

    The extreme downside of raising prices would be making money off the idiocy that happens. And when it happens, then what? The prices get raised again? The price of conferences is why unconferences started happening to begin with. I doubt that any of us will be using in the future and this alone will probably be enough.

    Please find a different method of “punishment” that doesn’t hurt the rest of us.

  17. I don’t think that Chris is suggesting a price as a means of “punishing” anyone, but merely to make it clear to people that this is a serious undertaking for all involved, and that it’s JUST as rude and inappropriate to Register for the event and then not bother to show up as is is to hijack a sponsor table.

    People don’t seem to be in an uproar over the fact that just about EVERY podcamp has had a pretty appalling attendance rate: Not that the number of people there wasn’t great, but that the number of people who PROMISED to be there and didn’t come is pretty high. We simply can’t keep having events where that happens. The sponsor support will dry up pretty quickly if we’re significantly under-delivering on attendees vs. what was anticipated.

    So whether you’re doing this as a hobby or as a profession, it’s important to get serious about it.

  18. I don’t think that Chris is suggesting a price as a means of “punishing” anyone, but merely to make it clear to people that this is a serious undertaking for all involved, and that it’s JUST as rude and inappropriate to Register for the event and then not bother to show up as is is to hijack a sponsor table.

    People don’t seem to be in an uproar over the fact that just about EVERY podcamp has had a pretty appalling attendance rate: Not that the number of people there wasn’t great, but that the number of people who PROMISED to be there and didn’t come is pretty high. We simply can’t keep having events where that happens. The sponsor support will dry up pretty quickly if we’re significantly under-delivering on attendees vs. what was anticipated.

    So whether you’re doing this as a hobby or as a profession, it’s important to get serious about it.

  19. Mark, I agree with you that the percent of people who say that they will be there to the people that are there needs to change, but realize that there were different crowds on both days. The faces were different even if a core of people were there for both.

    And pushing the price to around $900 (this was brought up in a tweet from Mr. Penn ( would be seen as punishing those of us who choose to go in my eyes. I know that I wouldn’t go for that price.

  20. Mark, I agree with you that the percent of people who say that they will be there to the people that are there needs to change, but realize that there were different crowds on both days. The faces were different even if a core of people were there for both.

    And pushing the price to around $900 (this was brought up in a tweet from Mr. Penn ( would be seen as punishing those of us who choose to go in my eyes. I know that I wouldn’t go for that price.

  21. I think the discussion about paying for Podcamps or not is an important one, but I’d like to also stay focused on what happened here-some people paid $500 to sponsor, and this person didn’t. However future events work, it’s important to send a clear message that dissing other people genuinely trying to support Podcamp with their money or in-kind sponsorships is not just cool or uncool; it violates the integrity of the community and gives the finger to everyone involved. I’m all for irreverence in its place, but squatting like this and filming on top of it is an act of ignorance and hubris at a core level.

  22. I think the discussion about paying for Podcamps or not is an important one, but I’d like to also stay focused on what happened here-some people paid $500 to sponsor, and this person didn’t. However future events work, it’s important to send a clear message that dissing other people genuinely trying to support Podcamp with their money or in-kind sponsorships is not just cool or uncool; it violates the integrity of the community and gives the finger to everyone involved. I’m all for irreverence in its place, but squatting like this and filming on top of it is an act of ignorance and hubris at a core level.

  23. John, as a community we can make a decision not to use a product or service based on their personnel. This is one of those cases. From what I recall, they were set up on table for both days, which uncool if a table presence was $500 that they were not paying.

    Perhaps in the future PodCamp would be too good for their money? I don’t want to suggest that the conference go without a sponsor, but it seems like they have some bad mojo.

  24. John, as a community we can make a decision not to use a product or service based on their personnel. This is one of those cases. From what I recall, they were set up on table for both days, which uncool if a table presence was $500 that they were not paying.

    Perhaps in the future PodCamp would be too good for their money? I don’t want to suggest that the conference go without a sponsor, but it seems like they have some bad mojo.

  25. Hi Rob,

    Thanks for your thoughts. I don’t want to suggest that the folks at were aware of what happened or sanctioned it. I think they have a good service and if other footage at Podcamp helped participants, etc., that’s great. But shooting footage of Whitney doing her job and putting it in a nasty light when they’re squatting on purpose doesn’t fly.

    If wanted to sponsor future events via regular channels, that’s fine by me. I don’t hold grudges but I also can’t allow sponsors who did participate in a positive way to help the community be maligned.

  26. Hi Rob,

    Thanks for your thoughts. I don’t want to suggest that the folks at were aware of what happened or sanctioned it. I think they have a good service and if other footage at Podcamp helped participants, etc., that’s great. But shooting footage of Whitney doing her job and putting it in a nasty light when they’re squatting on purpose doesn’t fly.

    If wanted to sponsor future events via regular channels, that’s fine by me. I don’t hold grudges but I also can’t allow sponsors who did participate in a positive way to help the community be maligned.

  27. Seeing this and worse yet seeing what people on their site said about the VERY hard working, dedicated and good person that is Whitney Hoffman makes me sick.

    As Chris said, reputation is everything. I know how I feel about them and their brand now.

    I’m just going to bite my tongue. This is pathetic.

  28. Anyone who knows Whitney knows this is total bullshit. You rock, Whit!!!

  29. Anyone who knows Whitney knows this is total bullshit. You rock, Whit!!!

  30. What those at pulled was completely disrespectful of not only Whitney, but the community. They knew that the space was for sponsors, who funded Podcamp with not only their money but with their belief in what Podcamp stands for and it’s strength in the new media space.

    I hope they won’t be dissuaded by the immature actions that we’ve seen here from participating in the future.

  31. What those at pulled was completely disrespectful of not only Whitney, but the community. They knew that the space was for sponsors, who funded Podcamp with not only their money but with their belief in what Podcamp stands for and it’s strength in the new media space.

    I hope they won’t be dissuaded by the immature actions that we’ve seen here from participating in the future.

  32. This really frustrates me. I owned the table “Smojo” says he hi-jacked. As I encountered these guys, Whitney was trying to protect the integrity of both PodCamp and its sponsors by asking these guys to move along.

    I knew that I had a very light marketing presence (no booth or demo monitor, etc. with me for this show), so I told her I would be okay with sharing my table with them. She was fine with that, and allowed them to stay at my request.

    I was concerned that PodCamp come across as the awesome community event that it is, and I knew these guys were streaming. I worked with them, making sure they had the space they needed, and I even explained to them why, in my view, Whitney needed to take the stance that she did. I also told that that Whitney is totally cool and that they should just let things be.

    So, seeing this reflection of ingratitude and punkish behavior really makes me sick. I wish, now that I see this, that I had stood with Whitney and told these guys to take a hike. What a disappointment!

    Still, PodCamp NYC rocked, and I would sponsor again in a hearbeat.

  33. This really frustrates me. I owned the table “Smojo” says he hi-jacked. As I encountered these guys, Whitney was trying to protect the integrity of both PodCamp and its sponsors by asking these guys to move along.

    I knew that I had a very light marketing presence (no booth or demo monitor, etc. with me for this show), so I told her I would be okay with sharing my table with them. She was fine with that, and allowed them to stay at my request.

    I was concerned that PodCamp come across as the awesome community event that it is, and I knew these guys were streaming. I worked with them, making sure they had the space they needed, and I even explained to them why, in my view, Whitney needed to take the stance that she did. I also told that that Whitney is totally cool and that they should just let things be.

    So, seeing this reflection of ingratitude and punkish behavior really makes me sick. I wish, now that I see this, that I had stood with Whitney and told these guys to take a hike. What a disappointment!

    Still, PodCamp NYC rocked, and I would sponsor again in a hearbeat.

  34. Shaun Noonan Avatar
    Shaun Noonan


    To be honest, I thought of a few lofty things to say about this, but forget that. If it comes up again, tell them to “Leave Now” and help them pack up their table.

    This event must always be attainable to amateurs. Raising the price will keep out the people who need it and benefit from it the most. Raising the price will keep out the bad rabble at the expense of the good rabble. It’s simply not right to allow this behavior to hurt others.

    If we get some occasional bad rabble, we deal with it. THAT is what it means to be a community. We act as a community through the good and the bad.

    In this particular case, I think it just means negating the benefits of the table. Public embarrassment. The point of the table is to present what you’re all about… if people are all about breaking rules, then show it’s the case.

    Maybe I’d have sat on their table and disagreed with what they tried to present to visitors. Something funny about hijacking the hijackers. Do it with good humor so the rest of the community doesn’t have to suffer because of them. It’d make for some fun and entertaining video on the net for sure.

  35. Shaun Noonan Avatar
    Shaun Noonan


    To be honest, I thought of a few lofty things to say about this, but forget that. If it comes up again, tell them to “Leave Now” and help them pack up their table.

    This event must always be attainable to amateurs. Raising the price will keep out the people who need it and benefit from it the most. Raising the price will keep out the bad rabble at the expense of the good rabble. It’s simply not right to allow this behavior to hurt others.

    If we get some occasional bad rabble, we deal with it. THAT is what it means to be a community. We act as a community through the good and the bad.

    In this particular case, I think it just means negating the benefits of the table. Public embarrassment. The point of the table is to present what you’re all about… if people are all about breaking rules, then show it’s the case.

    Maybe I’d have sat on their table and disagreed with what they tried to present to visitors. Something funny about hijacking the hijackers. Do it with good humor so the rest of the community doesn’t have to suffer because of them. It’d make for some fun and entertaining video on the net for sure.

  36. I’m not involved enough to debate the price of Podcamp. What I do know, however, is that people get what they give. Taking advantage of another person’s hard work for personal gain, especially in an immature way, goes a long way toward damaging one’s brand – and even his or her karma, if you’re into that sort of thing.

    I am.

  37. I wonder if that guy would pay to go to a podcamp? (Let alone purchase a table)

    This is just lame, not only does he state that he is stealing the table, but then he complains because he is booted. Doesn’t the admission that you are steeling usually mean that you don’t get to complain about it?

  38. Not supporting this Smojo guy, just revealing my ignorance. He walked over to an unmanned computer and posted 1:16 of video? Is that all he did? Did he power it up? I’d hate to hear later that he used my >$1000 machine without my asking, but was anything broken? Obviously, I’m missing a point. Please elucidate.

  39. As you know, I’ve long been an advocate of making the contract a little more two sided. If it means charging people some price to get them to come, rather than RSVP’ing, and then leaving the organizers with an event that’s 1/3 the size they expected, I’m all for it.

    Even with an admission fee, you will still get children who don’t know how to behave at events.

    This kind of behavior is an insult, and a stain on our community. They actually called Whitney names on their blog for pointing out to them (quite nicely, I might add) that they are THIEVES!

    You have to register for their site to leave a comment there, and I won’t do that. Good for you, Chris for calling them out on it.

    When idiots and jerks behave badly, most good people just cluck their tongues and do nothing. I think that’s a mistake. It takes a few good people like you to stand up for what’s right, and then you’ll quickly see that the majority won’t tolerate it. They’re just all afraid of being the first to speak up.

    These “lifecasters” are supposedly trying to make new media a full time job. They won’t succeed with antics like these.

  40. If you would like to give this guy a piece of your mind you should leave a comment on the blog post where he claims to be sharing the table:

  41. If you would like to give this guy a piece of your mind you should leave a comment on the blog post where he claims to be sharing the table:

  42. It is a sad and unfortunate thing when members of the larger community do not respect the very community in which they are part of.

    As tempting as it is though to deal with this problem by raising prices enough to make it a real financial consequence for people who act out, it would also undermine the accessibility of a lot of the podcamp community at large to attend. I wouldn’t be able to justify the costs and I would have far less cost involved since Boston would be local to me. It would splinter the community to those that could be sponsored via work, etc and others of us that would have to settle at maybe getting a chance to interact at coinciding meetup.

    I saw some of the effects of something similar (but for different reasons) at BarCamp Austin and SXSW. The localized Austin community, who obviously still had tons to contribute and say really were not visible as much in the larger SXSW event. But just 5 minutes away you got a glimpse of that at BarCamp and in attending Barcamp and talking to other attendees…most couldn’t afford to attend the larger SXSW event.

    I agree that behavior like this is unacceptable and puts a burden on the very organizers we all have to thank for the tons and tons of hard work put into podcamp and other type events. (Thanks & hugs Whitney!)

    I guess my answer to this lies in not how can we exclude the problem…but how can I help with it. I see this falling to the responsibility of the community at large, all of us taking pride and stepping in where needed. Whether that means lending a hand to the organizers as extra event staff to help monitor and facilitate or even just having the conviction of doing what is best for the group and event and speaking up to offenders when something isn’t quite right like in this situation.


  43. After watching the video, I do agree this guy may have acted inappropriately. He did set up in a spot that he wasn’t supposed to, and if he did use someone elses laptop to do this, that’s just wrong, and invasion of private property.

    What really got me was his whole attitutde towards it. He was giggling to himself at first, then with a “I don’t care” attitude said he “pirated the table”. He knew from the get-go what he did was wrong, because he was doing something that he thought he could get away with. If it was an honest mistake then I can excuse the guy, but since his attitude was like that, he really disrespected

    That’s my thoughts on it.

  44. Oh, I got it now. What he did was not only steal computer time but steal table time as a “sponsor”. I didn’t read carefully, and walking by the table, I had no idea myself. And the owner of the computer has protested. Got it. Don’t mind me.

  45. If you watch the other JTV video where they’re setting up, he says, “we basically just stole the table.” That’s simply rude. Sponsors pay a price to showcase there.

    Regarding the PodCamp: Boston3 charge, I’m not for it. As a knowledge provider, I love going to PodCamps to impart some information to podcasters who are doing this for the love of it (or money or both). More often than not, they don’t have the resources to spend on “pro” conferences, so charging — I believe — will eliminate a lot of this grass-roots base.

  46. Wow that’s really disgusting. I’ve been listening to Marketing Over Coffee from Singapore and I know it’s relatively cheap compared to other conferences. I mean I would pay a decent amount of money to go to one of these things here (where we have none), and across the world people are just totally taking advantage of it. Disgusting.

  47. Wow that’s really disgusting. I’ve been listening to Marketing Over Coffee from Singapore and I know it’s relatively cheap compared to other conferences. I mean I would pay a decent amount of money to go to one of these things here (where we have none), and across the world people are just totally taking advantage of it. Disgusting.

  48. This makes me want to cut my hair and shave my beard off.

    Sorry you guys had to deal with these jokers. Its like High School.

  49. This makes me want to cut my hair and shave my beard off.

    Sorry you guys had to deal with these jokers. Its like High School.

  50. I want to say a big heartfelt thanks to everyone for their support. It’s so hard to know what to do when something like this happens- it’s like acknowledging the hurt could just encourage the bullies even more.
    But the important point here is that the community can’t be complacent or a door mat for bad behavior. We chose not to make a huge scene at the time to keep things cool and try to handle it after the event quietly. We could have chosen to call security, and if he really wanted to see bitchiness, I could have chosen many other tacks of action that would have been considerably more harsh.

    Steve chose to post the video advertising his bad behavior and contempt for Podcamp, which saddens me, but it opens the door for this community discussion, which is an important one to have. How do we self-police? When should things like this become public during an event, and when is it more appropriate to try to handle things as adults after the event?

    John Havens and I spoke, and what we’d really like to see Steve and to do is either to become legitimate sponsors of Podcamps in the future, or give the same value it would have cost them in community service- teach kids to podcast at a local school, work at a Podcamp or community event, or otherwise do something to give back rather than just take from the community. That’s the whole point of having community events, anyway, and maybe by having them go through the hassle and time commitment of putting n an event, they would appreciate them a little more.

  51. I want to say a big heartfelt thanks to everyone for their support. It’s so hard to know what to do when something like this happens- it’s like acknowledging the hurt could just encourage the bullies even more.
    But the important point here is that the community can’t be complacent or a door mat for bad behavior. We chose not to make a huge scene at the time to keep things cool and try to handle it after the event quietly. We could have chosen to call security, and if he really wanted to see bitchiness, I could have chosen many other tacks of action that would have been considerably more harsh.

    Steve chose to post the video advertising his bad behavior and contempt for Podcamp, which saddens me, but it opens the door for this community discussion, which is an important one to have. How do we self-police? When should things like this become public during an event, and when is it more appropriate to try to handle things as adults after the event?

    John Havens and I spoke, and what we’d really like to see Steve and to do is either to become legitimate sponsors of Podcamps in the future, or give the same value it would have cost them in community service- teach kids to podcast at a local school, work at a Podcamp or community event, or otherwise do something to give back rather than just take from the community. That’s the whole point of having community events, anyway, and maybe by having them go through the hassle and time commitment of putting n an event, they would appreciate them a little more.

  52. Ditto, re: Whit’s comment above. We actually need Steve and/or to sponsor (with $500 or in-kind in some way) or the future of sponsors at Podcamp could be in serious jeopardy. Happy to have that in-kindness (as Whit suggests) be video shot at a future Podcamp where footage could be submitted to help that Podcamp. Or whatever. And note it does not have to be “paid” to PodCampNYC (can be a future Podcamp, etc).

    But it does need to happen since the issue has been brought out in the open to such a degree.

  53. Ditto, re: Whit’s comment above. We actually need Steve and/or to sponsor (with $500 or in-kind in some way) or the future of sponsors at Podcamp could be in serious jeopardy. Happy to have that in-kindness (as Whit suggests) be video shot at a future Podcamp where footage could be submitted to help that Podcamp. Or whatever. And note it does not have to be “paid” to PodCampNYC (can be a future Podcamp, etc).

    But it does need to happen since the issue has been brought out in the open to such a degree.

  54. Seeing this and worse yet seeing what people on their site said about the VERY hard working, dedicated and good person that is Whitney Hoffman makes me sick.

    As Chris said, reputation is everything. I know how I feel about them and their brand now.

    I’m just going to bite my tongue. This is pathetic.

  55. Anthony Quintano Avatar
    Anthony Quintano

    Im very disappointed in the reaction this has been given. I was the one at the table, I was the one who placed my things upon the table and yes im the one who called whitney a bi.tch.
    so since nobody bothered to ask our end of the story I shall explain.
    This was my very first podcamp. I was very excited to be at this event. I plastered this events logo all over my broadcast promoting it to no end. I even contributed to having others attend this event cause it was poorly advertised and nobody knows what it is outside of this wonderful clique you kids have.
    My friend named the clip that out of a joke after we were rudely spoken too more than once by whitney. within 5 minutes of me being at the event I had placed my bag on a table simple to rest for a second because I was carrying alot of equipment. I was told by whitney “you cant keep your stuff there” I had no intention of doing so. So I moved. After I was told by John that I could receive a tshirt for promoting podcamp so nicely on my page I was rudely told that “ONLY SPONSORS GET SHIRTS AND THATS IT” by the oh so friendly and welcoming whitney. Let me remind you all this WAS MY FIRST and definately my last podcamp ny. so after listening to that inspiring welcoming speech in the auditorium about being able to drop and start podcasting or webcasting anywhere we wanted too well we gladly did so. There were no signs anywhere stating the tables were just for sponsors. I did not hear anything of the sort during chris’s speech either.
    So day 1 after lunch we casually placed ourselves on a table that was empty along with 3 other tables. Nobody said a word to us then that we couldnt be there. So day 2 we gladly came by and placed ourselves in the same location. meanwhile 4 tables were sitting empty. Whitney then rudely said uh this isnt your table. instead of saying im sorry these tables are for our sponsors would you mind moving your things. which would of been more professional instead of childish. at that point when the clip ends. You guys negelct to hear the sponsor volunteering half the table for us to occupy since all he had was a pile of papers. and didnt NEED a whole table. So for next time yes please do make it clear to others that your not allowed to occupy those tables cause we would of gladly brought our own if that were the case. And you can be sure that I will never attend any event again that involves any of you. Thank you for welcoming us so kindly and be sure that I will make it loud and clear how we were oh so welcomed to podcamp.

    and please forward any comments to me personally because had no involvment in us being there what so ever. We were there to cover the event of podcamp via JTV not to advertise JTV.

    The only reason we did what we did was because of the OVERWHELMING response from people who wanted to know who we were and what we were doing.

    So I look forward to hearing from you all cause I am the one directly involved with this incident.

    Anthony Quintano
    [email protected]

  56. Anthony Quintano Avatar
    Anthony Quintano

    Im very disappointed in the reaction this has been given. I was the one at the table, I was the one who placed my things upon the table and yes im the one who called whitney a bi.tch.
    so since nobody bothered to ask our end of the story I shall explain.
    This was my very first podcamp. I was very excited to be at this event. I plastered this events logo all over my broadcast promoting it to no end. I even contributed to having others attend this event cause it was poorly advertised and nobody knows what it is outside of this wonderful clique you kids have.
    My friend named the clip that out of a joke after we were rudely spoken too more than once by whitney. within 5 minutes of me being at the event I had placed my bag on a table simple to rest for a second because I was carrying alot of equipment. I was told by whitney “you cant keep your stuff there” I had no intention of doing so. So I moved. After I was told by John that I could receive a tshirt for promoting podcamp so nicely on my page I was rudely told that “ONLY SPONSORS GET SHIRTS AND THATS IT” by the oh so friendly and welcoming whitney. Let me remind you all this WAS MY FIRST and definately my last podcamp ny. so after listening to that inspiring welcoming speech in the auditorium about being able to drop and start podcasting or webcasting anywhere we wanted too well we gladly did so. There were no signs anywhere stating the tables were just for sponsors. I did not hear anything of the sort during chris’s speech either.
    So day 1 after lunch we casually placed ourselves on a table that was empty along with 3 other tables. Nobody said a word to us then that we couldnt be there. So day 2 we gladly came by and placed ourselves in the same location. meanwhile 4 tables were sitting empty. Whitney then rudely said uh this isnt your table. instead of saying im sorry these tables are for our sponsors would you mind moving your things. which would of been more professional instead of childish. at that point when the clip ends. You guys negelct to hear the sponsor volunteering half the table for us to occupy since all he had was a pile of papers. and didnt NEED a whole table. So for next time yes please do make it clear to others that your not allowed to occupy those tables cause we would of gladly brought our own if that were the case. And you can be sure that I will never attend any event again that involves any of you. Thank you for welcoming us so kindly and be sure that I will make it loud and clear how we were oh so welcomed to podcamp.

    and please forward any comments to me personally because had no involvment in us being there what so ever. We were there to cover the event of podcamp via JTV not to advertise JTV.

    The only reason we did what we did was because of the OVERWHELMING response from people who wanted to know who we were and what we were doing.

    So I look forward to hearing from you all cause I am the one directly involved with this incident.

    Anthony Quintano
    [email protected]

  57. C’mon, man. You expect everyone to believe that poor innocent you had NO CLUE that those were sponsor tables?? HMMMM, how about the fact that the ENTIRE hallway was lined with sponsors???

    There’s absolutely a common sense aspect to this, and any reasonable person would understand the distinction between “hey, take pictures and record the sessions”, and “feel free to take any place you like.”

    Usually, when I enter another’s space for the first time, I try to get a feel for the way things are done. You obviously didn’t do that.

    And don’t try to make this about “how poorly advertised” the event was, in your view. That’s irrelevant to your poor behavior. You could have apologized for (even unwittingly) doing something that was seen as insensitive and rude to many others.

    And even if you would interpret Whitney’s manner as brusque, or even rude, how do you justify calling her that name? Do you kiss your mother with that same mouth?

    I know, why don’t you show that clip TO your mother, and see what she thinks?

  58. C’mon, man. You expect everyone to believe that poor innocent you had NO CLUE that those were sponsor tables?? HMMMM, how about the fact that the ENTIRE hallway was lined with sponsors???

    There’s absolutely a common sense aspect to this, and any reasonable person would understand the distinction between “hey, take pictures and record the sessions”, and “feel free to take any place you like.”

    Usually, when I enter another’s space for the first time, I try to get a feel for the way things are done. You obviously didn’t do that.

    And don’t try to make this about “how poorly advertised” the event was, in your view. That’s irrelevant to your poor behavior. You could have apologized for (even unwittingly) doing something that was seen as insensitive and rude to many others.

    And even if you would interpret Whitney’s manner as brusque, or even rude, how do you justify calling her that name? Do you kiss your mother with that same mouth?

    I know, why don’t you show that clip TO your mother, and see what she thinks?

  59. I dont plan on responding to childish remarks such as yours mark but feel free to continue acting like a 5 year old. If you listen to the clip closely after whitney tells me to move I tell here sure no problem. WHAT YOU DONT HEAR is the SPONSOR SAY ” SURE YOU CAN SHARE THE TABLE WITH US WE DONT MIND AT ALL WE DONT NEED THE WHOLE TABLE.

    and we did know that they were sponsor tables but we figured since the sponsor wasnt occupying it we would use it. We were kindly ready to move if we had too. and no i dont feel the need to apologize cause I didnt do anything wrong.

  60. […] Well I have done nothing but state how much of a wonderful time I had at podcamp till I saw this blog post by one of the organizers who I thought was very nice till he felt he had to childishly mock me and […]

  61. Hey Quintano,

    Excellent move coming to an event you know little about and picking the most respected person in East Coast Podcasting to screw with. You’ve successfully introduced yourself to the world as a total toolbag and SEVERELY tarnished the Justin.TV brand. I hope they distance themselves from you and formally apologize in an effort to save face (and maintain viewers). Everything you say or do at an event like PodcampNYC is a reflection of your character and effects the reputation of the company/podcast/website you work with. As of today your reputation (and that of Justin.TV) is in the gutter.

    If your looking for a public forum to discuss your actions I invite you to skype call the live taping of the Best Damn Tech Show, Period this Thursday evening. Email me at [email protected] if you have any interest in apologizing or at least explaining yourself to the angered podcasting community.

  62. Hey Quintano,

    Excellent move coming to an event you know little about and picking the most respected person in East Coast Podcasting to screw with. You’ve successfully introduced yourself to the world as a total toolbag and SEVERELY tarnished the Justin.TV brand. I hope they distance themselves from you and formally apologize in an effort to save face (and maintain viewers). Everything you say or do at an event like PodcampNYC is a reflection of your character and effects the reputation of the company/podcast/website you work with. As of today your reputation (and that of Justin.TV) is in the gutter.

    If your looking for a public forum to discuss your actions I invite you to skype call the live taping of the Best Damn Tech Show, Period this Thursday evening. Email me at [email protected] if you have any interest in apologizing or at least explaining yourself to the angered podcasting community.

  63. Anthony we understand that what maybe led you the table in the first place was a misconception on it being available to occupy. But, once someone who obviously is running the event tells you that indeed it is reserved that should have been the point you would apologize for not knowing and pack up.

    And, even if the sponsor, who did pay the $500 for the table, rather than cause a scene, offerd to share, somewhere you should have seen his being nice and realized ‘oh gee, didn’t realize you paid for this space.’ End story. And yes, an organizer with far too many responsibilities on her plate I think has the right to make sure everything is in line, including that all spaces are available for a sponsor who paid for them…irregardless of whether they were there at that moment or not.

    It is just etiquette and anyone with a camera should be even more aware of this…even those live streaming. BTW, I myself have had a channel on for quite awhile, long before it was publicly open to add a channel and this all just throws mud on the brand that Justin, Daniel and crew have worked to build up. Just apologize for misinterpreting the situation and not enquiring a bit more and offer up some kindness to a woman (Whitney) who deserved a bit more considering all she did for the event.

  64. Anthony we understand that what maybe led you the table in the first place was a misconception on it being available to occupy. But, once someone who obviously is running the event tells you that indeed it is reserved that should have been the point you would apologize for not knowing and pack up.

    And, even if the sponsor, who did pay the $500 for the table, rather than cause a scene, offerd to share, somewhere you should have seen his being nice and realized ‘oh gee, didn’t realize you paid for this space.’ End story. And yes, an organizer with far too many responsibilities on her plate I think has the right to make sure everything is in line, including that all spaces are available for a sponsor who paid for them…irregardless of whether they were there at that moment or not.

    It is just etiquette and anyone with a camera should be even more aware of this…even those live streaming. BTW, I myself have had a channel on for quite awhile, long before it was publicly open to add a channel and this all just throws mud on the brand that Justin, Daniel and crew have worked to build up. Just apologize for misinterpreting the situation and not enquiring a bit more and offer up some kindness to a woman (Whitney) who deserved a bit more considering all she did for the event.

  65. Well If I need to go back and play the video where the I told the sponsor 3 times its ok we will move off your table after HE INSISTED. I was not making a scene, or fuss. Smojo was simply laughing at the fact that the woman (whitney) who was not kind to me once yelled at me like im a 5 year old. I would easily understand all your anger if we were doing something childish or foolish broadcasting. NO we werent if you all kindly go back and watch the rest of our archives on both our channels you will see that not only did I cover the event of podcamp. but I walked around and broadcasted and demonstrated, interviewed the sponsors on cam including the ones whos table we supposedly hijacked. I will gladly ask the CEO of podcamp and bring him here to explain how he instisted that we stay and share a table after I was listening to whitney’s orders. Again I would understand your anger If I was yelling back, or making a scene, or refusing to move. We did nothing of the sort. We simply ended up staying because the sponsor insisted we stayed. After I Stated 3 times that no its ok we will gladly move our things. So Joyce if at the rest of the event someone kindly came up to me and said please move your things I would have done so immediately. You can rest assured you will never see me again at any of your events either. None of you had the the maturity to speak to us personally but yet to childishly post on your blogs without confronting them personally about it. So please I will continue to post about how amazingly friendly all you bloggers are on my page please visit and speak to us face to face if you feel so strongly as to what we did was so wrong.
    Thank you

  66. Well If I need to go back and play the video where the I told the sponsor 3 times its ok we will move off your table after HE INSISTED. I was not making a scene, or fuss. Smojo was simply laughing at the fact that the woman (whitney) who was not kind to me once yelled at me like im a 5 year old. I would easily understand all your anger if we were doing something childish or foolish broadcasting. NO we werent if you all kindly go back and watch the rest of our archives on both our channels you will see that not only did I cover the event of podcamp. but I walked around and broadcasted and demonstrated, interviewed the sponsors on cam including the ones whos table we supposedly hijacked. I will gladly ask the CEO of podcamp and bring him here to explain how he instisted that we stay and share a table after I was listening to whitney’s orders. Again I would understand your anger If I was yelling back, or making a scene, or refusing to move. We did nothing of the sort. We simply ended up staying because the sponsor insisted we stayed. After I Stated 3 times that no its ok we will gladly move our things. So Joyce if at the rest of the event someone kindly came up to me and said please move your things I would have done so immediately. You can rest assured you will never see me again at any of your events either. None of you had the the maturity to speak to us personally but yet to childishly post on your blogs without confronting them personally about it. So please I will continue to post about how amazingly friendly all you bloggers are on my page please visit and speak to us face to face if you feel so strongly as to what we did was so wrong.
    Thank you

  67. Hi Anthony,

    Lee Gibbons is the CEO of Podango (not Podcamp). If our event was so poorly advertised, how did we get 800 people to show up in Brooklyn on Passover weekend?

    And in terms of speaking in person before posting on a blog, I only commented here AFTER reading the post with the title about hijacking a table at podcamp. I can understand that if Lee offered to share his table that there would be confusion in regards to our concern about your staying at the table. That makes sense. But filming Whitney in a snarky way and then posting about hijacking means you not only did knowingly stay at the table when the organizers didn’t think it was cool, but flaunted it.

    And here’s the end of the discussion for me-you admit in your comment above that you called Whit a bitch. Fact-she was doing her job. Fact-no matter how she approached you, even if you had/have a right to be upset, calling her a bitch means you’re not willing to behave in anything resembling a civil manner. There’s simply no reason to publicly call Whitney a bitch, period. There is no logic, skewed or otherwise that will answer your calling her a bitch. And here’s the folks who agree with me (according to emails, etc. passed around today):

    Chris Brogan
    Chris Penn
    C.C. Chapman

    -Among others. This event that was so poorly advertised happened to attract a number of the leading voices in new media. Your insult to Whit is an insult to me and to them. You don’t seem to care, but fyi.

    And if you live in the NYC area, I’ll meet with you face to face. Or you can call me at: 917-597-3323. I had hoped to talk about this situation privately so we could work out whatever differences we had and clear the air. But the videos and blog posts I saw/read were up BEFORE this post.

  68. Hi Anthony,

    Lee Gibbons is the CEO of Podango (not Podcamp). If our event was so poorly advertised, how did we get 800 people to show up in Brooklyn on Passover weekend?

    And in terms of speaking in person before posting on a blog, I only commented here AFTER reading the post with the title about hijacking a table at podcamp. I can understand that if Lee offered to share his table that there would be confusion in regards to our concern about your staying at the table. That makes sense. But filming Whitney in a snarky way and then posting about hijacking means you not only did knowingly stay at the table when the organizers didn’t think it was cool, but flaunted it.

    And here’s the end of the discussion for me-you admit in your comment above that you called Whit a bitch. Fact-she was doing her job. Fact-no matter how she approached you, even if you had/have a right to be upset, calling her a bitch means you’re not willing to behave in anything resembling a civil manner. There’s simply no reason to publicly call Whitney a bitch, period. There is no logic, skewed or otherwise that will answer your calling her a bitch. And here’s the folks who agree with me (according to emails, etc. passed around today):

    Chris Brogan
    Chris Penn
    C.C. Chapman

    -Among others. This event that was so poorly advertised happened to attract a number of the leading voices in new media. Your insult to Whit is an insult to me and to them. You don’t seem to care, but fyi.

    And if you live in the NYC area, I’ll meet with you face to face. Or you can call me at: 917-597-3323. I had hoped to talk about this situation privately so we could work out whatever differences we had and clear the air. But the videos and blog posts I saw/read were up BEFORE this post.

  69. I will publicly and directly apologize for the name calling. That indeed was immature of me and should not of been posted and was removed immediately since it received the attention it did. and I will gladly take you up on your offer to speak with you in regards to this situation since we are being unfairly judged by people who werent even there to witness the events that occured in full.

  70. I will publicly and directly apologize for the name calling. That indeed was immature of me and should not of been posted and was removed immediately since it received the attention it did. and I will gladly take you up on your offer to speak with you in regards to this situation since we are being unfairly judged by people who werent even there to witness the events that occured in full.

  71. I dont plan on responding to childish remarks such as yours mark but feel free to continue acting like a 5 year old. If you listen to the clip closely after whitney tells me to move I tell here sure no problem. WHAT YOU DONT HEAR is the SPONSOR SAY ” SURE YOU CAN SHARE THE TABLE WITH US WE DONT MIND AT ALL WE DONT NEED THE WHOLE TABLE.

    and we did know that they were sponsor tables but we figured since the sponsor wasnt occupying it we would use it. We were kindly ready to move if we had too. and no i dont feel the need to apologize cause I didnt do anything wrong.

  72. And that folks, is that. Please take the remaining discussions offline, as to whether anyone makes appearances on other shows or needs to discuss things by phone.

  73. And that folks, is that. Please take the remaining discussions offline, as to whether anyone makes appearances on other shows or needs to discuss things by phone.

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