PodCamp DC Review

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

PodCamp DC was a fantastic event held on April 19, 2008 at the Art Institute of Washington. A huge hat tip to AIW for offering the venue and helping out with logistics. Hats off as well to organizers Tammy Munson, Joel Witt, and Ernie Ambrose.

Not much to say right now, save that it was an excellent time and filled with an incredibly diverse crowd of participants, from hobbyists to educators, to lobbyists and politicians, with everyone there eager to learn new media and how we can continue helping change the world for the better.

If we met or you were in one of my sessions, please leave me some feedback – I’d love to know how I did, and more importantly, how I can improve.

Leave feedback on LinkedIn by clicking here!

Need to add me on LinkedIn? I’m cspenn at gmail dot com.

I look forward to seeing and meeting more great people at PodCamp NYC this coming weekend.

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PodCamp DC Review 1 PodCamp DC Review 2 PodCamp DC Review 3

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2 responses to “PodCamp DC Review”

  1. Charles Campbell Avatar
    Charles Campbell

    I enjoyed the presentations I had a chance to attend (Emerging Markets/Africa and LinkedIn). Are you all going to make materials from the PodCamp event available for download (e.g. PPTs and Videos, etc)? If so, when and where?

  2. Charles Campbell Avatar
    Charles Campbell

    I enjoyed the presentations I had a chance to attend (Emerging Markets/Africa and LinkedIn). Are you all going to make materials from the PodCamp event available for download (e.g. PPTs and Videos, etc)? If so, when and where?

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