Almost Timely News: πŸ—žοΈ AI Use Cases for Ideal Customer Profiles (2024-10-06)

Almost Timely News: πŸ—žοΈ AI Use Cases for Ideal Customer Profiles (2024-10-06) :: View in Browser

Almost Timely News

The Big Plug

Here are my two latest talks!

πŸ‘‰ Watch my new 90-minute master class workshop (no slides!) from INBOUND 2024 on how to build a data-driven customer journey map using generative AI. (link fixed from last week)

πŸ‘‰ Watch my new 40-minute talk from MAICON 2024 about why open models are your answer to data privacy and AI.

Content Authenticity Statement

100% of this week’s newsletter was generated by me, the human. You will see AI usage and outputs in the video version of the newsletter as I demo ICP use cases. Learn why this kind of disclosure is a good idea and might be required for anyone doing business in any capacity with the EU in the near future.

Watch This Newsletter On YouTube πŸ“Ί

Almost Timely News: πŸ—žοΈ AI Use Cases for Ideal Customer Profiles (2024-10-06)

Click here for the video πŸ“Ί version of this newsletter on YouTube Β»

Click here for an MP3 audio 🎧 only version »

What’s On My Mind: AI Use Cases for Ideal Customer Profiles

Katie asked me this week to cover synthetic ideal customer profiles intended for use with AI. Now, we’ve talked at length about these, which you can see here, here, and here, and of course my company offers the creation of these as a service, which you can find here.

So since we’ve got all that covered, let’s talk about what you DO with an ideal customer profile. All too often, people take a document like an ICP and… shelve it. It becomes attractive binder-ware, sitting next to your SWOT analysis and that expensive product-market fit analysis you hired that very expensive consulting firm to do.

This is a terrible fate for any useful document, but none moreso than an ideal customer profile. Let’s dig into some examples of what you can DO with these things.

I strongly recommend you watch the video edition of this week’s newsletter because I walk through many of these examples onscreen.

Part 1: What’s Inside?

A good ideal customer profile is going to have these basics, which will vary based on your business to some degree but are pretty standard:

  • Demographics: classic 1990s IRC A/S/L (iykyk)
  • Psychographics: stuff like values, opinions, attitudes, activities
  • Firmographics: mainly for B2B, the corporate equivalent of demographics
  • Goals and motivations: what does the customer want to do?
  • Needs and pain points: what stands in the way of the customer’s goals?
  • Buying behaviors: details about how the customer makes decisions

The difference between a buyer persona and an ICP is that ICPs are generally synthesized from actual data. When Katie builds them for clients, she gathers up a half dozen different data sources and uses generative AI to blend them together.

Here’s the key to a good ICP. In general, for making use of an ICP with AI, it should contain as much relevant, specific information as possible. More is better as long as it’s relevant and specific, because we’ll be using them with generative AI. You don’t have to worry about overwhelming a stakeholder’s mere human brain with lots of details when you’re using ICPs with AI – a key difference between the ICPs you’re probably used to and a synthetic ICP intended for use with AI.

Part 2: Obvious Use Cases

Once you’ve got a solid ICP that’s ready for generative AI, there’s a universe of things you can do with them. Load into a generative AI system of choice and have it:

  • Validate your marketing copy
  • Brainstorm ideas for content by talking with your ICP
  • Test things like email subject lines, ad copy, etc.

How you do this is more important than the tasks themselves. A lot of people approach these tasks very naively as opposed to rigorously. What do I mean?

Naive use of an ICP is giving it to generative AI and then just asking it basic questions like “Hey, what do you think of this idea?”. With a detailed ICP, that will still generate good results, but they’re not going to be optimal results.

What should you do? There’s a defined process I use with things like ICPs when it comes to evaluation:

  • Prime the model with background information, including the ICP
  • Summarize the information into best practices to reinforce its importance within the conversation (changing the in-conversation weights)
  • Build a scoring rubric for the evaluation process
  • Evaluate using the rubric and the best practices
  • Encapsulate the rubric and best practices into an app

Here’s a simple example. Suppose I want to evaluate whether a blog post meets the needs of our ICP. I’d do the following:

  • Ask the model what good quality blog content is using the Trust Insights PARE framework
  • Load the ICP
  • Summarize high quality content
  • Build a scoring rubric for quality content that aligns with the ICP
  • Evaluate a piece of content to ensure the system works as intended
  • Put the rubric and quality outline into a Gem/GPT/artifact

For simple evaluation tasks, building apps like Gems, GPTs, and Artifacts is the easiest way to effectively scale the use of AI with an ICP at your company. Once you go through this process for a specific task, you can hand over the finished app to others and then they can benefit from your expert development.

Part 3: Less Obvious Use Cases

Asking an AI model to evaluate something like content against an ICP is a great, simple, easy use case. A less obvious but similar use case is turning your ICP into buyer personas and having those buyer personas have a conversation with you for things like product market fit.

Here’s an example. Katie and the Trust Insights team built an ICP for me as a keynote speaker, to help better guide my marketing efforts at being hired as a keynote speaker by events and conferences. That’s a solid, straightforward use case. We have no shortage of data about who event planners are or the things that are important to them.

I could just hand a talk or talk summary to that ICP and ask it to evaluate and score how well the talk would meet their needs as an event planner. That’s useful. But what if I took a step back and had several different event planners at a table, and had a conversation with them about an upcoming talk?

Using the ICP, I’ll direct my AI tool to split it into three synthetic customers – an event planner for a major marketing conference, an event planner for an industry conference in a vertical like healthcare, and an event planner for an individual corporation.

Why do this? Because an ICP is so rich and robust with real data, assembled from real data, generative AI tools can infer a great deal from that data, extrapolating it into personas that have differing goals and motivations. The needs of a corporate event planner needing a speaker for a sales kickoff are somewhat aligned but somewhat different from a speaking planner for a major marketing conference.

Unlike talking to a monolithic profile, using the ICP as the basis for personas also allows you to create adversarial variants, personas that might not be as receptive to your sales and marketing. This is a great way to see how different segments of the market might react; telling the model to generate a skeptic or an outright critic of your company can give you a much wider perspective of how the market might see you.

Part 4: Challenging Use Cases

Now, let’s kick things up a notch, as the cooking show aphorism goes. What are some more technically challenging use cases for ICPs?

Well, for one thing you can talk to them directly, as though they were real people. I have an example using OpenAI’s ChatGPT Advanced Voice Mode in the video edition. This week, OpenAI announced we can use those same voices via their API, so you can build entire apps around them.

I did an example this week using Google’s synthetic voices for a live, phone call-style focus group in which I talk to two variants of our Ideal Customer Profile. You’ll see a snippet of that in the video edition as well.

Beyond this, you can build an entire synthetic advisory service. For example, you could take one of your personas, a pile of marketing news for the week, and have your ICP-based persona email you asking questions about what the news means for their business. Or, since everyone’s in love with podcasts made by AI, have one or two of your personas discussing marketing news of the week and then interviewing you as the expert on the topic.

Want to kick it up even more? Take the ideal customer profile and use it with a CRM agent as an advanced form of lead scoring. Every lead that comes in, a generative AI model can use the ICP to score how similar the new lead is to the ICP. Think of it instead of product market fit as lead fit, and use it as an additional scoring mechanism to prioritize and sort your prospects and leads in your marketing. (more on building AI agents here)

Part 5: Wrapping Up

As with so many other things, people have a tendency to treat ideal customer profiles as just another document on the pile, when in reality they’re the basis for some of the most powerful generative AI work you can accomplish. You know who your customer is, or who you want your customer to be. Now bind that knowledge to as many aspects of your operations as possible, and you’ll turn shelfware into real revenue.

Blatant pitch: if you’d like one of our AI-powered synthetic ICPs, just visit here and book some time with Katie to get one.

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Elevate your next conference or corporate retreat with a customized keynote on the practical applications of AI. I deliver fresh insights tailored to your audience’s industry and challenges, equipping your attendees with actionable resources and real-world knowledge to navigate the evolving AI landscape.

Christopher S. Penn Speaking Reel

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If you’d like to see more, here are:

ICYMI: In Case You Missed it

Besides the recently updated Generative AI for Marketers course I’m relentlessly flogging, this week, I tackle how to create a podcast episode in which AI interviews you instead.

Skill Up With Classes

These are just a few of the classes I have available over at the Trust Insights website that you can take.



Advertisement: Generative AI Workshops & Courses

Imagine a world where your marketing strategies are supercharged by the most cutting-edge technology available – Generative AI. Generative AI has the potential to save you incredible amounts of time and money, and you have the opportunity to be at the forefront. Get up to speed on using generative AI in your business in a thoughtful way with Trust Insights’ new offering, Generative AI for Marketers, which comes in two flavors, workshops and a course.

Workshops: Offer the Generative AI for Marketers half and full day workshops at your company. These hands-on sessions are packed with exercises, resources and practical tips that you can implement immediately.

πŸ‘‰ Click/tap here to book a workshop

Course: We’ve turned our most popular full-day workshop into a self-paced course. Use discount code ALMOSTTIMELY for $50 off the course tuition.

πŸ‘‰ Click/tap here to pre-register for the course

If you work at a company or organization that wants to do bulk licensing, let me know!

Get Back to Work

Folks who post jobs in the free Analytics for Marketers Slack community may have those jobs shared here, too. If you’re looking for work, check out these recent open positions, and check out the Slack group for the comprehensive list.

Advertisement: Free Generative AI Cheat Sheets

Grab the Trust Insights cheat sheet bundle with the RACE Prompt Engineering framework, the PARE prompt refinement framework, and the TRIPS AI task identification framework AND worksheet, all in one convenient bundle, the generative AI power pack!

Download the bundle now for free!

How to Stay in Touch

Let’s make sure we’re connected in the places it suits you best. Here’s where you can find different content:

Listen to my theme song as a new single:

Advertisement: Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Humanitarian Fund

The war to free Ukraine continues. If you’d like to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, the Ukrainian government has set up a special portal, United24, to help make contributing easy. The effort to free Ukraine from Russia’s illegal invasion needs your ongoing support.

πŸ‘‰ Donate today to the Ukraine Humanitarian Relief Fund Β»

Events I’ll Be At

Here are the public events where I’m speaking and attending. Say hi if you’re at an event also:

  • MarketingProfs B2B Forum, Boston, November 2024
  • AMA Houston, Online, November 2024
  • Social Media Marketing World, San Diego, April 2025
  • Content Jam, Chicago, April 2025
  • SMPS, Columbus, August 2025

There are also private events that aren’t open to the public.

If you’re an event organizer, let me help your event shine. Visit my speaking page for more details.

Can’t be at an event? Stop by my private Slack group instead, Analytics for Marketers.

Required Disclosures

Events with links have purchased sponsorships in this newsletter and as a result, I receive direct financial compensation for promoting them.

Advertisements in this newsletter have paid to be promoted, and as a result, I receive direct financial compensation for promoting them.

My company, Trust Insights, maintains business partnerships with companies including, but not limited to, IBM, Cisco Systems, Amazon, Talkwalker, MarketingProfs, MarketMuse, Agorapulse, Hubspot, Informa, Demandbase, The Marketing AI Institute, and others. While links shared from partners are not explicit endorsements, nor do they directly financially benefit Trust Insights, a commercial relationship exists for which Trust Insights may receive indirect financial benefit, and thus I may receive indirect financial benefit from them as well.

Thank You

Thanks for subscribing and reading this far. I appreciate it. As always, thank you for your support, your attention, and your kindness.

See you next week,

Christopher S. Penn

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


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