How I blog with Evernote

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

If you’ve got 1 or more mobile devices in addition to a desktop, you might want to consider using Evernote to blog. Here’s my methodology.

Blogging with Evernote

More info:


5 responses to “How I blog with Evernote”

  1. Neat! I’ve never watched you talk before. Nice to know the face behind the voice. 🙂

    I love this. You have the latest version of every cool toy out there. That slick bluetooth keyboard was the neatest of all. Turns that iPad into a MacBook Pro. Well, almost.

    I’ve used Evernote some, but not as extensively as you have. As I accumulate more mobile devices, I’ll start paying more attention to this lol.

    Thanks Christopher!

  2. Great info. thanks very much. I just started using it today.

  3.  Avatar

    Thanks, Chris! I use Evernote a lot for blogging but hadn’t thought about using the voice option. Great idea!

  4. I also use Evernote extensively on my iPhone to capture ideas. But I’ve come up with what I think is an even better audio solution – I dictate the gist of the post idea into the Dragon app for iPhone. It’s actually more accurate than you would think. When your text appears on screen, you simply use the app’s copy function, switch to the Evernote app and then paste it into the note you’ve created to capture that idea.

    I find this works very well when I’m driving or walking, even with some background noise. This saves the extra step of having to listen to my ideas and transcribe them.

    Later, when I have time, I open Evernote in my web browser and flesh out the blog post. Works like charm! Definitely a superhero tool for blogging productivity!

  5. […] Want to see this cool tool in action? Check out veteran blogger Christopher S. Penn’s vlog post “How I blog with Evernote.” […]

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